Happy July! Here's is our Thursday Daily PR Brief - July 1, 2021
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
The 5 Most Impressive Press Releases from June (Cision Media Research - June 30, 2021)
How and Why Communicators Must Abide By a Code of Ethics (Spin Sucks - July 1, 2021)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Megan Driscoll (O'Dwyer's - June 30, 2021) [VIDEO]
How to conduct scintillating, illuminating interviews (Ragan - July 1, 2021)
80% of PR Pros Say Communication Gained Value in 2020 (PRNEWS - June 30, 2021)
Research shows best ways to ensure your email is picked up by journalists (PRmoment (UK) - June 30, 2021)
3 reasons corporate accountants belong in PR strategizing (Agility PR - July 1, 2021)
How to Help Improve Remote Presentations for Your Team (CommPro (UK) - June 30, 2021)
PR Advice For Building Better Media Relationships (Crenshaw Communications - June 30, 2021)
Cannes Condensed: Young PR Lions – Creativity Under Pressure (PRovoke Media - June 30, 2021) [VIDEO]
3 Public Relations Lessons You Can Learn From Baking (Three Girls Media - June 30, 2021)
Summary Section:
The 5 Most Impressive Press Releases from June
By Glenn Frates
Cision Media Research - June 30, 2021
You toil over every word, reposition key phrases and fuss over how to summarize bullets better. The message you craft and the words you include really do matter. But how much of your message is actually being heard? See why these press releases impressed us the most this month.
How and Why Communicators Must Abide By a Code of Ethics
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - July 1, 2021
In this new world where everyone thinks they can be a journalist and report on the news, communicators must abide by a code of ethics.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Megan Driscoll [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - June 30, 2021
EvolveMKD CEO and founder Megan Driscoll offers advice on effectively marketing to women in a rapidly changing marketplace on the latest "PR's Top Pros Talk" video interview with Doug Simon.
How to conduct scintillating, illuminating interviews
By Lou Hoffman
Ragan - July 1, 2021
Spectacular stories often lie just beneath the surface. Uncovering those gems requires a bit of prodding and strategic digging; here’s how to master this invaluable skill.
80% of PR Pros Say Communication Gained Value in 2020
By Seth Arenstein
PRNEWS - June 30, 2021
Some 80 percent of those surveyed in the JOTW poll agree or strongly agree that companies put greater value on communication last year.
Research shows best ways to ensure your email is picked up by journalists
By Joy Knowles
PRmoment (UK) - June 30, 2021
We recently conducted an analysis of over 5,000 email pitches sent by our clients through our integrated media database and outreach platform. We wanted to see what our clients were doing that got journalists to open, read and click on pitches, and if there were patterns that other wily PRs could take advantage of. Here's what we found.
3 reasons corporate accountants belong in PR strategizing
By Larry Alton
Agility PR - July 1, 2021
When developing a business' marketing and PR campaigns, it's often wise to involve team members who may not necessarily belong to marketing or PR departments. Sometimes, however, business owners and managers overlook certain team members who could contribute valuable insights during the process.
How to Help Improve Remote Presentations for Your Team
By Samantha Higgins
CommPro (UK) - June 30, 2021
If you manage a team for your company, you can take measures to ensure that all your employees' virtual presentations are of the highest quality so that viewers will remain engaged and absorb the information that's presented to them better. By helping your team make these improvements, you're sure to notice a difference in how each remote presentation is showcased and received.
PR Advice For Building Better Media Relationships
By Adam Brett
Crenshaw Communications - June 30, 2021
PR is all about building relationships, especially with journalists. Here are a few tips for building better media relationships.
Cannes Condensed: Young PR Lions – Creativity Under Pressure [VIDEO]
PRovoke Media - June 30, 2021
Watch the video of Young PR Lions winners Gigi Rice and Elle Bellwood speaking to Thenetworkone’s Julian Boulding at the hybrid event.
3 Public Relations Lessons You Can Learn From Baking
By Erika Montgomery
Three Girls Media - June 30, 2021
Avoid repeating a mistake that impacted the entire batch and potentially help boost your business’ ability to use public relations in marketing!
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.