Please enjoy your Tuesday Daily PR Brief - September 7, 2021
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Are Brand Tributes on 9/11 Anniversary Appropriate? (O'Dwyer's - September 7, 2021)
4 things to know before and after you pitch broadcast outlets (PR Daily - September 7, 2021)
Aim Wisely When Reacting to Texas Abortion Law Boycotts (PRNEWS - September 7, 2021)
Can Military Influencers Ethically Use Their Status to Sell Services? (PRSay - September 7, 2021)
When We Blame the Intern, We Demonstrate Weak Leadership (Spin Sucks - September 7, 2021)
Airing Dirty Laundry Reveals Storytelling Wisdom (Ishmael's Corner - September 7, 2021)
3 Tips for Collaborating with Your Competitors (PR Couture (UK) - September 2, 2021)
Ensure Effective Communication With Each Of Your Team Members With These 11 Tips (Forbes - September 3, 2021)
Top 10 Tactical Tools of Consumer PR (PRGN - September 6, 2021)
Get personal with your contacts for success (Axia Public Relations - September 7, 2021)
'Hot Sellers Market' for Public Relations Talent (CulpWrit - September 7, 2021)
Summary Section:
Are Brand Tributes on 9/11 Anniversary Appropriate?
By Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR
O'Dwyer's - September 7, 2021
For years now, the public has made it clear that 9/11 isn't an appropriate anniversary to commemorate by marketing consumer goods.
4 things to know before and after you pitch broadcast outlets
By Joy Knowles
PR Daily - September 7, 2021
Getting featured on the six o’clock news requires timely action. Consider these tips to make the most of your opportunity.
Aim Wisely When Reacting to Texas Abortion Law Boycotts
By Lana McGilvray
PRNEWS - September 7, 2021
Purpose-driven brands should speak out on issues aligned with their values. But without strategy, unfair cancellations may result.
Can Military Influencers Ethically Use Their Status to Sell Services?
By Theresa Carpenter
PRSay - September 7, 2021
Clearly, companies are noticing the utility of an individual who gains a large following on social media to be a spokesperson or "brand ambassador." However, we are afforded a large degree of credibility and prestige within the military simply by raising our right hand and swearing to protect and defend the Constitution. What happens when a service member who garners a large social media proudly wearing their uniform in many prominent posts also sells products or even their military story?
When We Blame the Intern, We Demonstrate Weak Leadership
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - September 7, 2021
Want to know why people blame the intern? Gini Dietrich says it's because they don't have a spine nor know how to lead with inspiration and motivation.
Airing Dirty Laundry Reveals Storytelling Wisdom
By Lou Hoffman, CEO of the Hoffman Agency
Ishmael's Corner - September 7, 2021
Malcolm Gladwell's podcast, “Laundry Done Right,” demonstrates how the story is always there, even with a topic as mundane as washing laundry.
3 Tips for Collaborating with Your Competitors
By Alexandra Drobysheva, CEO at HINT Communication Agency
PR Couture (UK) - September 2, 2021
We're giving you tips on how to start collaborating with competitors to achieve mutually impactful results.
Ensure Effective Communication With Each Of Your Team Members With These 11 Tips
By Forbes Communications Council
Forbes - September 3, 2021
If company leaders make efforts to be more inclusive and accommodate individuals’ particular needs when it comes to relaying important information, their organizations could run more smoothly and see more success.
Top 10 Tactical Tools of Consumer PR
By Bill Southard
PRGN - September 6, 2021
In this blog, I will highlight 10 top tactical tools for companies and public relations professionals to consider when embarking on a consumer public relations campaign.
Get personal with your contacts for success
By Jacob McKimm
Axia Public Relations - September 7, 2021
Learn how the simple act of writing down contacts' personal information can lead to great friendships that improve your PR and your company.
'Hot Sellers Market' for Public Relations Talent
By Ron Culp
CulpWrit - September 7, 2021
It's boom times for most agencies and that means more job opportunities for PR talent, especially those with experience.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.