Good Monday, here is your Daily PR Brief - September 20, 2021

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Threats Rarely Work: A PR Lesson from HBO's 'Succession' (PRNEWS - September 20, 2021)
How United Airlines Is Communicating Its Vaccine Mandate to Employees (PRSay - September 20, 2021)
Pivoting For Purpose: Finding Your 'Why' And Helping Others Do The Same (Forbes - September 20, 2021)
New Jersey Advance Media's Jonathan Salant shares tips for PR pros (PR Daily - September 17, 2021) [PODCAST]
Good and Bad PR: Emma Raducanu and Lidl are hot this week, whilst Nicki Minaj gets the cold shoulder (PRmoment (UK) - September 16, 2021)
Public relations and cybersecurity: Why preparation is protection (Agility PR - September 20, 2021)
Nicki Minaj, We Love You, But Please Get in Step with Science and Tell Your 175M Followers on Instagram to Roll Up Their Sleeves - (CommPro (UK) - September 18, 2021)
5 Outcomes to Expect From Your PR Campaign (Landis Communications - September 20, 2021)
How to Use a Q&A in Public Relations (Business 2 Community - September 18, 2021)
Press Training for Remote Press Communication (Everything PR - September 20, 2021)
Summary Section:
Threats Rarely Work: A PR Lesson from HBO's 'Succession'
By David Ball
PRNEWS - September 20, 2021
With the return of HBO's "Succession" next month, I remember at least one teachable communication moment from the second season. In episode six, a magazine writer approaches the leaders of fictitious Waystar Royco with a story of sexual harassment and abuse within the company.
How United Airlines Is Communicating Its Vaccine Mandate to Employees
By Greg Beaubien
PRSay - September 20, 2021
"We know some of you will disagree with this decision to require the vaccine for all United employees," the airline told its staff by email. But with coronavirus cases rising, particularly among the unvaccinated, "everyone is safer when everyone is vaccinated."
Pivoting For Purpose: Finding Your 'Why' And Helping Others Do The Same
By Nikki Hawke, Chief Marketing Officer at Ezra
Forbes - September 20, 2021
For other leaders who are trying to harness strengths in people they manage, these are some of the tools that have worked for me.
New Jersey Advance Media's Jonathan Salant shares tips for PR pros [PODCAST]
PR Daily - September 17, 2021
Catch up with the latest episodes of ‘The Friday Reporter’ as journalists take you behind the scenes with them on their daily beat. Jonathan Salant from New Jersey Advance Media is a long-time newsman with terrific stories about journalism and wise words for public relations execs.
Good and Bad PR: Emma Raducanu and Lidl are hot this week, whilst Nicki Minaj gets the cold shoulder
By Shannon Peerless, Managing Director, 10 Yetis Digital
PRmoment (UK) - September 16, 2021
In the latest Covid update news conference, Whitty chastised people like Nicki who share "clearly ridiculous" myths "designed to scare" and said "they should be ashamed".
Public relations and cybersecurity: Why preparation is protection
By James Daniels
Agility PR - September 20, 2021
In the modern business era, cybersecurity failures are among the most common forms of a PR disaster. Not only do breaches in your network cybersecurity show to customers and clients that you haven't run your due diligence on your network, but it suggests that the privacy and security of those associated with your firm are at risk.
Nicki Minaj, We Love You, But Please Get in Step with Science and Tell Your 175M Followers on Instagram to Roll Up Their Sleeves -
By Tom Madden, Founder & CEO, TransMedia Group
CommPro (UK) - September 18, 2021
If you'll rap yourself in a new role, one that encourages your fans to roll up their sleeves to protect themselves, I'll fight with all my might and PR skills to get you out of Twitter prison, like I've helped free others from real prisons.
5 Outcomes to Expect From Your PR Campaign
By Brianne Miller
Landis Communications - September 20, 2021
LCI's Brianne Miller shares five outcomes you should expect from any well-designed and implemented PR campaign.
How to Use a Q&A in Public Relations
By Donna St. Jean Conti
Business 2 Community - September 18, 2021
Public relations (PR) practitioners use a variety of tools in the course of doing their jobs, with the press or news release possibly being the most used tool. One PR tool, the Q&A (question & answer), is used less often, yet it can be highly effective.
Press Training for Remote Press Communication
By Julio Juarez
Everything PR - September 20, 2021
When communicating with the press remotely, it's important for a company spokesperson to be fully briefed and prepared beforehand – whether that means for a radio or TV interview.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.