Please enjoy your Daily PR Brief - September 22, 2021
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Mark Zuckerberg Still Seems to Think Facebook's Big Problem Is Bad P.R. (Vanity Fair - September 22, 2021)
PR Industry Growth Hit Record Lows in 2020 (O'Dwyer's - September 22, 2021)
How one PR pro is reimaging the physical workplace (PR Daily - September 21, 2021)
5 Ways to Make Your Customer the Hero on Social Media (PRNEWS - September 22, 2021)
The Road to Success for CCOs in a New COVID-19 Normal (Institute for Public Relations - September 22, 2021)
When it comes to environmental comms, brands must find their own shade of green (PRmoment (UK) - September 22, 2021)
Transcreating PR materials into different languages—and attracting global clients (Agility PR - September 22, 2021)
Staying afloat in turbulent times with Dan Jasper (Axia Public Relations - September 21, 2021) [PODCAST]
How Communicators Can Influence the Conversation on Equity (CommPro (UK) - September 21, 2021)
6 questions with Katherine LaGrave from AFAR (Muck Rack Blog - September 22, 2021)
Summary Section:
Mark Zuckerberg Still Seems to Think Facebook's Big Problem Is Bad P.R.
By Eric Lutz
Vanity Fair - September 22, 2021
The tech CEO reportedly approved a plan to deliver users pro-Facebook content, revelations of reputation-salvaging that come as Facebook is again under fire over the spread of disinformation and harmful content.
PR Industry Growth Hit Record Lows in 2020
By Jon Gingerich
O'Dwyer's - September 22, 2021
It's no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic battered the marketing and communications world.
How one PR pro is reimaging the physical workplace
By Ted Kitterman
PR Daily - September 21, 2021
Dreena Whitfield, founder and CEO WhitPR, has redesigned her office space to create a fresh atmosphere for workers and visitors. The goal was to create a space that was a warm and welcoming environment suitable for a post-pandemic working world.
5 Ways to Make Your Customer the Hero on Social Media
By Chris Kim
PRNEWS - September 22, 2021
How can social media leaders create a steady cadence of fresh, customer-centric social posts, especially when formal case studies are resource-intensive and can take months to produce? Our contributor provides five tips.
The Road to Success for CCOs in a New COVID-19 Normal
By Michael Ziviani and Forrest Anderson
Institute for Public Relations - September 22, 2021
Considering the impact of COVID-19 on communication, now is a good time to revisit some of the research regarding the characteristics, objectives, and practices of 20 leading international chief communications officers (CCOs) in the context of the new COVID-19 "normal."
When it comes to environmental comms, brands must find their own shade of green
By Charlotte Nunes, director of communications at RVU
PRmoment (UK) - September 22, 2021
One of the latest movements taking place in our industry is the shift from media relations to green relations - and the positioning of brands as 'sustainable' in the media.
Transcreating PR materials into different languages—and attracting global clients
Agility PR - September 22, 2021
Here, we'll learn about creative translations of PR materials. We'll find out what creative translation is, what types of major creative translations are, and how exactly translators use creative translation through the act of transcreating.
Staying afloat in turbulent times with Dan Jasper [PODCAST]
By On Top of PR
Axia Public Relations - September 21, 2021
Dan Jasper has served as the director of public relations at Mall of America for 17 years and has more than 20 years of PR and communications experience prior to that.
How Communicators Can Influence the Conversation on Equity
By Paul Merchan, Senior Vice President, Client Relationships, Peppercomm
CommPro (UK) - September 21, 2021
While the world is still a long way from being at peace, today, September 21, we recognize United Nations International Day of Peace. This carries even deeper significance after what we've been through with the COVID-19 pandemic; and true to this, the theme this year is "Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world."
6 questions with Katherine LaGrave from AFAR
By Jessica Lawlor
Muck Rack Blog - September 22, 2021
PR pros love a peek inside the minds of the journalists they pitch and work with on stories. Muck Rack had the opportunity to chat with Katherine LaGrave, deputy editor at AFAR.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.