Greetings, your Friday Daily PR Brief is here - October 22, 2021

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Top 3 Reasons Executive Teams Are Reluctant To Hire PR Agencies (Forbes - October 22, 2021)
From Stigma to Solution (O'Dwyer's - October 22, 2021)
How the rise of blockchain technology offers opportunity for communicators (Ragan - October 22, 2021)
Advertising Week New York: Purpose Should be the Norm, Not a Niche (PRNEWS - October 21, 2021)
ICON 2021 Recap: Panelists on the State of DE&I in PR and Communications (PRSay - October 22, 2021)
9 Upgrades That Your PR-Based Business Needs for 2022 (PR Couture (UK) - October 18, 2021)
Good and Bad PR: A terrible week for Facebook, but it's mostly been a bad week all round… (PRmoment (UK) - October 21, 2021)
Mars Wrigley's Allyson Park shares top skills for rising comms pros (PR Daily - October 21, 2021)
2021 PR disasters in review—3 examples of crisis mismanagement (Agility PR Solutions - October 22, 2021)
Weber Shandwick Wins McAfee's Global Consumer PR Business (PRovoke Media - October 21, 2021)
Summary Section:
Top 3 Reasons Executive Teams Are Reluctant To Hire PR Agencies
By Catherine Seeds, President at Ketner Group Communications
Forbes - October 22, 2021
Let's look at the top three reasons why executive teams can be hesitant to hire PR agencies and how PR professionals can turn the tide.
From Stigma to Solution
By Kelly Dencker
O'Dwyer's - October 22, 2021
As October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, there’s no better time to explore and adopt year-round workplace strategies that can help combat stigma, promote awareness and provide resources for help.
How the rise of blockchain technology offers opportunity for communicators
By Ted Kitterman
Ragan - October 22, 2021
From cryptocurrency to NFTs, there’s a big story to be told about the emerging technology of blockchain. Here’s how one PR pro is looking to capitalize on the trend.
Advertising Week New York: Purpose Should be the Norm, Not a Niche
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - October 21, 2021
The word purpose gets thrown around quite a bit when it comes to brands and their communication efforts. While it can be perceived positively, some worry that purpose marketing could also be used to provoke profits over good intentions.
ICON 2021 Recap: Panelists on the State of DE&I in PR and Communications
PRSay - October 22, 2021
"We all recognize the need to continuously improve DE&I representation" in all professions, said PRSA CEO Linda Thomas Brooks, who moderated an Oct. 20 ICON 2021 panel titled "The State of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in PR and Communications. "But how can we help diversify the talent pipeline and bring more people into this industry? How can PR agencies and organizations improve those metrics?" she asked.
9 Upgrades That Your PR-Based Business Needs for 2022
By Nina Sharpe
PR Couture (UK) - October 18, 2021
The PR industry is a competitive one and you need to stand out. These nine tips give you great ideas of ways to upgrade your business in 2022.
Good and Bad PR: A terrible week for Facebook, but it's mostly been a bad week all round…
By Andy Barr, Owner, 10 Yetis Digital
PRmoment (UK) - October 21, 2021
Good and Bad PR Barr, reporting in for duty. At a time where it feels, well, to me at least, that the UK is being held together with sticky tape (supply chain issues, petrol price increases, a rise in Covid numbers and a growing air of violence aimed at the climate protestors) we need something positive and upbeat… Sorry, but I am not the man to bring you this having had a gander through this week's news.
Mars Wrigley's Allyson Park shares top skills for rising comms pros
By Nicolas Davis
PR Daily - October 21, 2021
The global vice president and mother offers advice for aspiring leaders to build their careers.
2021 PR disasters in review—3 examples of crisis mismanagement
By Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR
Agility PR Solutions - October 22, 2021
Today, PR practitioners responding to a crisis PR situation have to be especially vigilant to ensure that the modern media, with its reliance on social networking sites, doesn't make the situation worse. Given below are examples of some questionable PR moves that teach valuable lessons on how to shepherd brands through chaos.
Weber Shandwick Wins McAfee's Global Consumer PR Business
By Diana Marszalek
PRovoke Media - October 21, 2021
Computer security company McAfee, which is repositioning into a pure play consumer brand, has moved its global consumer PR business to Weber Shandwick.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.