Greetings, peruse today's Daily PR Brief - October 27, 2021
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
The current state of PR & media relationships—7 ways to create better ones (Agility PR Solutions - October 27, 2021)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Sarah Berman (O'Dwyer's - October 27, 2021) [VIDEO]
Which tools are worth it for PR pros? (PR Daily - October 27, 2021)
Instilling Confidence is Key to Media Training (PRNEWS - October 27, 2021)
What the NFL Concussion Crisis Taught Us: Cultural Ingrainment in Crisis Communication (Institute for Public Relations - October 27, 2021)
Corporate Comms, PR, and Marketing Employee Turnover and Staffing is Hurting Brands (Axia Public Relations - October 26, 2021)
5 Ways To Make Work From Home Work For Your Business (Alyssa Ditroia - October 27, 2021)
PR Events for Nonprofits (CommPro (UK) - October 26, 2021)
PRovokeGlobal: Why National Security Has Emerged As A Key Stakeholder Challenge (PRovoke Media - October 27, 2021)
42% of podcasters reject pitches because of bad timing (Muck Rack Blog - October 27, 2021)
Summary Section:
The current state of PR & media relationships—7 ways to create better ones
By Peter Ramsey
Agility PR Solutions - October 27, 2021
Media results and coverage are core deliverables for most companies that seek PR agency support. Nevertheless, today's PR agencies are too easily distracted by other communications disciplines and mechanics, thereby neglecting the fundamentals required to be effective in the results-focused world of media relations.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Sarah Berman [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - October 27, 2021
"The last two years have been challenging, but also really inspiring in some ways," The Berman Group president Sarah Berman tells Doug Simon.
Which tools are worth it for PR pros?
By Ted Kitterman
PR Daily - October 27, 2021
Tech for maximizing user-generated content, video and project management top the list from The Campaign Workshop. For PR pros, tools are a blessing—and a curse.
Instilling Confidence is Key to Media Training
By Erika Bradbury
PRNEWS - October 27, 2021
In this brief Q&A, we talk to Sarah Brown, Director, Corporate Media Relations at Marriott International, about some opportunities and challenges in training spokespeople at an organization.
What the NFL Concussion Crisis Taught Us: Cultural Ingrainment in Crisis Communication
By Grace
Institute for Public Relations - October 27, 2021
The National Football League has been in a near-constant state of crisis (both self-inflicted and from situations out of its control) for the past several years.
Corporate Comms, PR, and Marketing Employee Turnover and Staffing is Hurting Brands
Axia Public Relations - October 26, 2021
Learn how to prevent voluntary turnover in your company with these four tips that'll help you identify problems and keep employees happy.
5 Ways To Make Work From Home Work For Your Business
By Jodi Amendola
Alyssa Ditroia - October 27, 2021
Survey after survey show how much employees prefer to working from home. Here’s how to make work from home work for your company.
PR Events for Nonprofits
By Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR
CommPro (UK) - October 26, 2021
During the pandemic, many nonprofits paused their fundraising efforts to deal with the effects of the pandemic.
PRovokeGlobal: Why National Security Has Emerged As A Key Stakeholder Challenge
By Arun Sudhaman
PRovoke Media - October 27, 2021
As the public takes an increasing interest in geopolitical issues, companies are finding that their home country is a new, and potentially unpredictable, stakeholder.
42% of podcasters reject pitches because of bad timing
Muck Rack Blog - October 27, 2021
Muck Rack released our first-ever State of Podcasting survey to better understand how PR pros can build strong relationships with podcasters.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.