Good Tuesday! Here's your Daily PR Brief - January 18, 2022
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Why Your Media Pitches Aren't Working (Forbes Agency Council - January 18, 2022)
In Crisis Responses, Words Matter More than Body Language, Study Finds (PRSay - January 13, 2022)
The best new year PR resolutions (PRmoment (UK) - January 13, 2022)
Why You Should Unlearn Your Behaviors (Spin Sucks - January 18, 2022)
Top 5 Corporate Crises in 2021 to Learn From (PRGN - January 17, 2022)
Daily PR lessons that can be learned by reading newspapers (Agility PR Solutions - January 17, 2022)
Effective crisis communications with Christopher Britton (Axia Public Relations - January 18, 2022) [PODCAST]
What Bad Apologies Might Say About PR People (Business 2 Community - January 16, 2022)
Give this media relations tactic a try: Sound bites for trending stories (Muck Rack Blog - January 18, 2022)
Listen, Learn, Engage: It's the Root to Racial Healing in this Country (CommPro (UK) - January 17, 2022)
4 Must Have Tech Skills for Every Public Relations Pro (Culpwrit - January 17, 2022)
Summary Section:
Why Your Media Pitches Aren't Working
By Ethan Rasiel, CEO of Lightspeed PR
Forbes Agency Council - January 18, 2022
After more than 20 years in public relations — both in agencies and in-house — I've learned the hard way that delivering a solid story idea to the right journalist at the right time isn't enough. You also have to package that story in a compelling, concise way. In other words, you need a pitch. Here are some easy ways to improve the effectiveness of your pitches.
In Crisis Responses, Words Matter More than Body Language, Study Finds
PRSay - January 13, 2022
When companies respond in crisis situations, what they say matters more than their nonverbal cues, a recent study finds.
The best new year PR resolutions
By Daney Parker
PRmoment (UK) - January 13, 2022
How many of your new year resolutions have already fallen by the wayside? Still doing Veganuary for example? I, for one, have already failed at that one. We asked around the PR world for resolutions that are worth making and sticking to so that 2022 stands out for all the right reasons.
Why You Should Unlearn Your Behaviors
By Gini Dietrich, CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - January 18, 2022
Intelligence may end up being the ability to rethink and unlearn, which is what Gini Dietrich explores in order to become a better communicator.
Top 5 Corporate Crises in 2021 to Learn From
By Nick Leighton
PRGN - January 17, 2022
Remember the saying “There’s no such thing as bad publicity?” Well, that’s not entirely accurate. More and more, brands are seeing the impact of PR scandals and crises and how they impact their market positions.
Daily PR lessons that can be learned by reading newspapers
By Arthur Solomon
Agility PR Solutions - January 17, 2022
After several years of being a freelance reporter for a number of New York daily newspapers, I was offered a full-time job at one of them. But it wasn't as a reporter. I was assigned to a news desk, where I had to read all of the competing newspapers to see if they had any stories my publication missed, and, importantly, also to suggest new approaches to those articles. I learned quite a bit from reading seven dailies each day.
Effective crisis communications with Christopher Britton [PODCAST]
By On Top of PR
Axia Public Relations - January 18, 2022
This episode of On Top of PR with guest Christopher Britton of In Case of Crisis on how to ensure companies' preparedness for when a crisis strikes.
What Bad Apologies Might Say About PR People
By Paul Oestreicher
Business 2 Community - January 16, 2022
People screw up apologies all the time. I've studied this for years and published the 6 A's of apologies in 2015 to help people remember to Acknowledge something happened; have an Authentic expression of regret; use Appropriate tone and language; choose an Acceptable venue; Act in the right timeframe, and Announce next steps.
Give this media relations tactic a try: Sound bites for trending stories
By Tim O’Brien
Muck Rack Blog - January 18, 2022
Here's an interesting media relations tactic that garnered PR pro Tim O'Brien serious results: establish sound bites for trending stories before the media asks for them.
Listen, Learn, Engage: It's the Root to Racial Healing in this Country
By Neil Foote, President, Foote Communications & President, National Black Public Relations Society
CommPro (UK) - January 17, 2022
Celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a somber reminder of the work this country must do to address its truths, find ways to achieve racial healing and transform society.
4 Must Have Tech Skills for Every Public Relations Pro
By Katelynn Sortino
Culpwrit - January 17, 2022
With the ubiquity of the Internet, brands now have to compete with practically everybody else for the time and attention of consumers. This creates new, intriguing challenges and opportunities for those in PR. How do you get your client's brand noticed when the Duolingo bird is literally stealing your customer base's entire attention?
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.