Hi! Check out your Tuesday Daily PR Brief - February 15, 2022

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
How To Integrate Cybersecurity Into Your PR Outreach Strategy (Forbes - February 15, 2022)
The 16 Things Every Communications Plan Should Include (Spin Sucks - February 15, 2022)
The Communications Profession Needs to Be More Diverse and Inclusive. Period. (PRSay - February 15, 2022)
Global PR trends study predict shifts in purpose, employee engagement and experiential (PRmoment (UK) - February 15, 2022)
How agencies can win in this hyper-competitive hiring moment (PR Daily - February 15, 2022)
The impact of the pandemic on financial media in Europe and their communication practices (Agility PR Solutions - February 15, 2022)
Latest Agency Edge Research with Susan Baier and Drew McLellan | On Top of PR podcast (Axia Public Relations - February 15, 2022) [VIDEO]
7 Lessons in Leadership (that I stole from other people) (Influence (UK) - February 15, 2022)
The good news story that could lead to awkward questions (Media First (UK) - February 15, 2022)
Spin Machines: Why PR is no longer safe from automation (Wildfire PR - February 11, 2022)
Summary Section:
How To Integrate Cybersecurity Into Your PR Outreach Strategy
By Dmitry Dragilev, Founder at JustReachOut.io
Forbes - February 15, 2022
To prevent attacks on your business’ systems while ensuring your own messages get past recipients’ digital barriers, you need to integrate cybersecurity into your outreach strategy. Here’s how.
The 16 Things Every Communications Plan Should Include
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - February 15, 2022
Do you know what to include in your communications plan? Most jump directly to tactics, but here's what you need first.
The Communications Profession Needs to Be More Diverse and Inclusive. Period.
By Thomas Bennett III
PRSay - February 15, 2022
Black History Month is an important time in history for all of us to pay homage to Black Americans who have shaped history in the United States.
Global PR trends study predict shifts in purpose, employee engagement and experiential
By Rachael Sansom, MD of Red Havas
PRmoment (UK) - February 15, 2022
In PR firm's Red Havas predictions report for 2021, the word "pandemic" appeared 18 times and "Covid" 14 times. It became a part of the fabric of our reality, but we're now standing at a new horizon.
How agencies can win in this hyper-competitive hiring moment
By Jennifer Tramontana
PR Daily - February 15, 2022
Here’s how one PR agency hopes to continue its 15-year tradition of busting norms.
The impact of the pandemic on financial media in Europe and their communication practices
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - February 15, 2022
A new survey of journalists from European independent agencies network Fincom Alliance investigates the real and perceived impact of the pandemic on both companies and media operating in and around the financial services sector.
Latest Agency Edge Research with Susan Baier and Drew McLellan | On Top of PR podcast [VIDEO]
Axia Public Relations - February 15, 2022
Drew McLellan of Agency Management Institute and Susan Baier of Audience Audit discuss their latest findings from the eighth annual Agency Edge Research Series.
7 Lessons in Leadership (that I stole from other people)
By Antony Cousins, Chief Executive Officer at Factmata
Influence (UK) - February 15, 2022
I don’t know if I’m a good boss or not but I do know that if I don’t totally suck at it, it’s because I’ve had the privilege of working with some amazing leaders throughout my career. So I thought I’d take some time to reflect on what they taught me, or rather what I took from them! Here’s seven things I try to remember about being a good leader.
The good news story that could lead to awkward questions
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - February 15, 2022
It hasn’t felt like there have been many good news stories lately. But the decision by the chief executive of the Co-op to take time out to help her children with their exams has won the company plenty of praise.
Spin Machines: Why PR is no longer safe from automation
By Alex Warren
Wildfire PR - February 11, 2022
As an industry built on creativity and human relationships, it's easy to assume that PR is somehow exempt from the coming tidal wave of automation.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.