Please enjoy today's Daily PR Brief - March 1, 2022

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
What's a Code of Ethics If People Don't Follow It? (Spin Sucks - March 1, 2022)
Bad Ideas And How To Deal With Them (Forbes - February 28, 2022)
Americans Trust Big Tech, Skeptical of Social Media (O'Dwyer's - March 1, 2022)
Report: Toxic culture the top reason employees are quitting their jobs (PR Daily - March 1, 2022)
Intuitive comms that improve employee experience (Ragan - February 26, 2022)
PRNEWS Talks with Neil Foote, Dwayna Haley on Industry DEI Updates (PRNEWS - February 28, 2022) [VIDEO]
Most Americans Consider Disinformation a Problem, Study Finds (PRSay - February 28, 2022)
Seven Tips For Building An Effective DEI Strategy (Forbes - March 1, 2022)
Why PR has become the supercharged tool in the marketing toolbox (PRmoment (UK) - March 1, 2022)
PRCA Warns Members Could Be Expelled For Working With Firms On Russia Sanctions List (PRovoke Media - March 1, 2022)
No White Coat Needed for the Impact this Pro is Making in Healthcare PR (Culpwrit - March 1, 2022)
Summary Section:
What's a Code of Ethics If People Don't Follow It?
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - March 1, 2022
For those of us who believe in the PRSA Code of Ethics, the best thing we can do is keep hold pros who do not believe in it, accountable.
Bad Ideas And How To Deal With Them
By Christopher Tompkins
Forbes - February 28, 2022
Nobody wants to be the person who brings a chill to the conference room for punching holes in a co-worker’s less-than-brilliant idea.
Americans Trust Big Tech, Skeptical of Social Media
By Jon Gingerich
O'Dwyer's - March 1, 2022
Americans largely believe the tech industry has had a positive impact on their lives, but they also distrust social media companies, according to a recent Ipsos report.
Report: Toxic culture the top reason employees are quitting their jobs
By Ted Kitterman
PR Daily - March 1, 2022
Amid record numbers of workers hitting the bricks, new research shows why they are choosing to look for something new.
Intuitive comms that improve employee experience
By Kacey Larsen
Ragan - February 26, 2022
In personalizing the employee experience, internal comms pros must become masters of flexibility and adaptation.
PRNEWS Talks with Neil Foote, Dwayna Haley on Industry DEI Updates [VIDEO]
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - February 28, 2022
PRNEWS talked with with Dwayna Haley, chief brand and communications officer, Metro Atlanta Chamber, and Neil Foote, principal lecturer, University of North Texas, about the current state of DEI.
Most Americans Consider Disinformation a Problem, Study Finds
PRSay - February 28, 2022
More than two-thirds of Americans (69 percent) believe disinformation is a major problem in society, up from 63 percent in 2020, new research finds.
Seven Tips For Building An Effective DEI Strategy
By Joy Altimare, Chief Revenue Officer at EHE Health
Forbes - March 1, 2022
In the past two years, many companies across America have taken steps to address diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
Why PR has become the supercharged tool in the marketing toolbox
By Ashley Carr, Founder and Managing Director of Neo PR
PRmoment (UK) - March 1, 2022
PR remains steadfast as the one-to-many communication method for businesses, especially with most forms of marketing either in decline or at least going through a dramatic refocus. As a resurgence in the consumption of news - specifically local news - and with an online audience sat at home, PR has become the supercharged tool in the marketing toolbox.
PRCA Warns Members Could Be Expelled For Working With Firms On Russia Sanctions List
By Maja Pawinska Sims
PRovoke Media - March 1, 2022
The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) has warned its members they face expulsion for working with Russian organisations on the UK government sanctions list.
No White Coat Needed for the Impact this Pro is Making in Healthcare PR
By Zoe Parris & Sitoria Townsend
Culpwrit - March 1, 2022
Tarsis Lopez, a communications pioneer in his own right, is the newly promoted Associate Vice President of Reputation and Communications at Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly & Company. He joined Lilly in 2021 as Senior Director of Reputation Management and Communications.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.