Check out Thursday's Daily PR Brief - April 7, 2022
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
8 books every PR pro should read (PR Daily - April 6, 2022)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Mike Rosich (O'Dwyer's - April 6, 2022) [VIDEO]
Communicators Have Key Role in Advancing Better Images of Women (PRNEWS - April 6, 2022)
Ice Cream and Socks Are Changing the World (Spin Sucks - April 7, 2022)
Is it OK to recycle old PR ideas? (PRmoment (UK) - April 6, 2022)
Five Tips for Giving Media Interviews (PRGN - April 6, 2022)
Make Zoom interviews a breeze with these tips (Axia Public Relations - April 7, 2022)
Working in PR for Metaverse Brands (Commpro - April 6, 2022)
Two very different ways to handle awkward questions (Media First (UK) - April 7, 2022)
Cracker Jill Rebrand Shows the Importance of Purposeful Messaging (PRNEWS - April 7, 2022)
Summary Section:
8 books every PR pro should read
By Ted Kitterman
PR Daily - April 6, 2022
We regularly ask PR pros to share some of their best recommendations and here are some of the top books recommended to us for the start of 2022.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Mike Rosich [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - April 6, 2022
"I think in health communications, it's easy to forget that behind the patient there is a person," says dna Communications general manager Mike Rosich.
Communicators Have Key Role in Advancing Better Images of Women
By Seth Arenstein
PRNEWS - April 6, 2022
The additional burden that women must look like the Kardashians has resurfaced. Fortunately, PR pros can help move society away from this antiquated trope.
Ice Cream and Socks Are Changing the World
By Rachel Latsos
Spin Sucks - April 7, 2022
More and more, consumers are looking to brands to champion social mission. Rachel Latsos explains how to do this authentically.
Is it OK to recycle old PR ideas?
By Daney Parker
PRmoment (UK) - April 6, 2022
Here, PR chiefs discuss the pros and cons of reusing past strategies whilst offering tips for repurposing great ideas. They also give examples of campaigns and approaches that are still fresh today, even if the concepts behind them have come from the past.
Five Tips for Giving Media Interviews
By Jasleen Singh and Chiara Parma
PRGN - April 6, 2022
Effective media interviews depend on a combination of success factors. Read your five-step guide to become a better interviewee.
Make Zoom interviews a breeze with these tips
By Marjorie Comer
Axia Public Relations - April 7, 2022
Learn the preparations you can make to make your company's interviews conducted via Zoom shine.
Working in PR for Metaverse Brands
By Mike Paffman, CEO, VIRGO PR
Commpro - April 6, 2022
The metaverse is a place where the physical and digital worlds turn into one, and where people can work, socialize, and play in a brand new digital reality. A number of brands, such as Gucci, Meta, Warner Bros, Balenciaga, and more, have already expanded their reach into these virtual spaces through various strategies.
Two very different ways to handle awkward questions
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - April 7, 2022
Even those who have done their preparation and had recent media training can find themselves facing questions they don't want to answer, or that are unexpected.
Cracker Jill Rebrand Shows the Importance of Purposeful Messaging
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - April 7, 2022
A temporary rebrand like Cracker Jill can take a lot of time and creativity, but the payoff can be a reputation boon.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.