Hello! Today's Daily PR Brief is here - June 21, 2022

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
15 Effective Ways For Businesses To Publicize Good Company News (Forbes - June 21, 2022)
When a mid-tier media outlet might be better than a top-tier placement - (PR Daily - June 21, 2022)
Getting Media Coverage in Cleantech and other Exploding Sectors (PRNEWS - June 20, 2022)
Taking Pride in Transgender Communicators of Color (Institute for Public Relations - June 21, 2022)
Why My College Crash Course in Crisis Communications Will Never End (PRSay - June 21, 2022)
Why Going Viral Is Not a Solid Communications Strategy (Spin Sucks - June 21, 2022)
Five Key Takeaways From Top Brands' ESG Reports - PRGN (PRGN - June 20, 2022)
How to strengthen customer relations by drafting flawless thank-you emails (Agility PR Solutions - June 20, 2022)
Don't forget the consumer when doing PR for a new product (Axia Public Relations - June 21, 2022) [VIDEO]
Digital Fatigue in the Modern Work World (CommPro (UK) - June 19, 2022) [Infographic]
In Tech PR We Trust: Finding My Place Within the Industry (Online PR Blog - The Hoffman Agency - June 21, 2022)
Summary Section:
15 Effective Ways For Businesses To Publicize Good Company News
By Forbes Agency Council
Forbes - June 21, 2022
For businesses, leveraging positive company news is a must for generating a solid brand reputation and maintaining strong public relations.
When a mid-tier media outlet might be better than a top-tier placement -
By Dustin Siggins
PR Daily - June 21, 2022
And how to get placements in these smaller outlets. Do you want to get into The Wall Street Journal or on CNBC? Congratulations. So does everyone else.
Getting Media Coverage in Cleantech and other Exploding Sectors
By Eric Fischgrund, Founder and CEO of FischTank PR
PRNEWS - June 20, 2022
Using the cleantech sector as an example, our author discusses the battle for media coverage. He offers tips for cleantech and elsewhere.
Taking Pride in Transgender Communicators of Color
By Emily Flamme
Institute for Public Relations - June 21, 2022
Pride month reminds us that we all deserve the right to be who we are, as we are, and to define ourselves on our own terms. It also reminds us that amid increased queer visibility in mainstream media and growing social acceptance, some sexual and gender minorities continue to face discrimination and violence, which disproportionately affects transgender women of color –particularly Black transgender women, who live at the intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
Why My College Crash Course in Crisis Communications Will Never End
By Curtis Sparrer, Principal at Bospar
PRSay - June 21, 2022
My most important crisis communications test didn't come through my PR work with PayPal, Snowflake or Tetris. It came in college.
Why Going Viral Is Not a Solid Communications Strategy
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - June 21, 2022
Social media has made us all impatient and longing for some quick fix that will make us go viral. Here is why that's not a solid communications strategy.
Five Key Takeaways From Top Brands' ESG Reports - PRGN
By Tori Pishkula
PRGN - June 20, 2022
Whether you're brainstorming fresh ideas for an annual ESG report or just getting started with research for crafting your company's very first, here are five key takeaways based on ESG reports from top brands like Nike, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon.
How to strengthen customer relations by drafting flawless thank-you emails
By Kasia Slonawska
Agility PR Solutions - June 20, 2022
Imagine shopping from a small online store. You’ve never heard of the brand before, but right after you make a purchase, you get a small note in your email that says: “Thank you for your purchase."
Don't forget the consumer when doing PR for a new product [VIDEO]
By Jacob McKimm
Axia Public Relations - June 21, 2022
Launching a new product? See why you shouldn't forget the consumer's needs when developing PR strategies for it.
Digital Fatigue in the Modern Work World [Infographic]
By Brian Wallace, Founder & President, NowSourcing
CommPro (UK) - June 19, 2022
The convenience of remote work and realizing the lack of a need for a physical department in many industries has revolutionized how people conceive of working. Although this is not all without consequence, there are some serious trade offs that come with remote work that must be addressed.
In Tech PR We Trust: Finding My Place Within the Industry
By Emily Newton
Online PR Blog - The Hoffman Agency - June 21, 2022
Portland PR coordinator Emily explores her transition into tech PR, including pitching reporters, drafting briefing sheets, and communicating with clients.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.