Please enjoy your Friday Daily PR Brief - December 9, 2022

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
6 tips for maximizing the impact of your PR agency (Agility PR Solutions - December 8, 2022)
Crafting Effective Quotes for Media Releases (PRNEWS - December 7, 2022)
16 Keys To Pulling Off A Successful Marketing Stunt (Forbes - December 8, 2022)
Companies That Put Purpose Before Profit (Inc. - December 9, 2022)
Make the holidays merrier by minding your mental health (Ragan Communications - December 9, 2022)
Supreme Court Cases Test Tech Company Liability for User Posts (PRSay - December 6, 2022)
How to Maintain Winning Marketing During Economic Adversity (Spin Sucks - December 8, 2022)
The Communications 2022 Year in Review: A permacrisis of war, death and scandal (PRmoment (UK) - December 8, 2022) [PODCAST]
Did this spokesperson rely on an aide to deliver his media interview message? (Media First (UK) - December 8, 2022)
Stop making these headline and lede mistakes now (PR Daily - December 9, 2022)
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Summary Section:
6 tips for maximizing the impact of your PR agency
By Kevin Gardner
Agility PR Solutions - December 8, 2022
You know that public relations firms are incredibly rewarding, challenging, and demanding roles. The pressure to come up with new ideas and keep coming back with something new is exhausting. Even the most seasoned PR professionals get stuck in ruts frequently. So, from time to time, it's important to refresh yourself and your team members with these useful tips for running a successful PR agency.
Crafting Effective Quotes for Media Releases
By Pauline Howes
PRNEWS - December 7, 2022
Strong quotes can enhance a press release and give it authority. Here are tips and tactics that will help PR pros craft useful quotes.
16 Keys To Pulling Off A Successful Marketing Stunt
By Forbes Agency Council
Forbes - December 8, 2022
A big reason why disagreement exists around whether stunts are worthwhile or not is the simple fact that they are difficult to pull off successfully. When stunts work, however, they can have a big impact.
Companies That Put Purpose Before Profit
Inc. - December 9, 2022
From advancing Black and Brown entrepreneurship to stopping human trafficking to fighting climate change, the missions these role model companies pursue lift them above the rest.
Make the holidays merrier by minding your mental health
By Amanda Ponzar
Ragan Communications - December 9, 2022
Although there’s no surefire, magic method to make your holidays merry, here are some ways you can be proactive to protect your own mental health and well-being.
Supreme Court Cases Test Tech Company Liability for User Posts
PRSay - December 6, 2022
Two separate cases before the U.S. Supreme Court will weigh whether technology companies can be held legally liable for what their users post.
How to Maintain Winning Marketing During Economic Adversity
By Adam Ortman
Spin Sucks - December 8, 2022
The fact that the U.S. is in a period of economic volatility and vulnerability is no secret. Whether you are already struggling with rising costs or have yet to feel the blow, a recession is looming. You will have to navigate continued labor shortages, inflation, and supply chain disruption for the undetermined future. But there is a silver lining.
The Communications 2022 Year in Review: A permacrisis of war, death and scandal [PODCAST]
PRmoment (UK) - December 8, 2022
We review 2022: The Year in Communications with Charlotte West, executive director of global corporate communications at Lenovo.
Did this spokesperson rely on an aide to deliver his media interview message?
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - December 8, 2022
Did you see the BBC interview with the Royal Mail boss about the postal workers' pay dispute? Did you spot anything unusual about it? Well, it seems he may have had an aide writing responses or crucial points for him on a whiteboard as he spoke. And it distracted from the message he wanted to get across.
Stop making these headline and lede mistakes now
By Tom Corfman
PR Daily - December 9, 2022
Pitching great Leroy "Satchel" Paige was famous for his windmill windup, swinging his arm in circles before throwing the ball. The Hall of Famer pitching style helps explain a balky misstep many communicators make.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.