Good Monday! Here's your Daily PR Brief - January 9, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Media Relations 2023: Consider Backgrounders, FAQ Pitches and Nonprofit Newsrooms (PRNEWS - January 9, 2023)
Shhhhh: The Value Of Quiet Leadership (Forbes - January 6, 2023)
How real-time data helped McDonald's, Ford respond to high-stakes situations (PR Daily - January 9, 2023)
How do you measure wicked problems? (Institute for Public Relations - January 2, 2023)
New Jersey First State to Teach Students Information Literacy (PRSay - January 7, 2023)
How to use risk methodology in your crisis comms strategies (PRmoment (UK) - January 9, 2023) [PODCAST]
15 Challenges Corporate Communications Teams Will Face In 2023 (Forbes - January 6, 2023)
How to set your professional goals for 2023 (Influence (UK) - January 4, 2023)
5 ways to use social listening tools to enhance brand awareness (Agility PR Solutions - January 9, 2023)
New Year, New Strategies: 4 Tactics To Leave in 2022 (BLND Public Relations - January 5, 2023)
Use Your Peacetime Wisely (Commpro - January 6, 2023)
A Conversation with ChatGPT About AI and PR (Landis Communications - January 9, 2023)
Top Five 2022 Corporate Crises - And The Lessons Learned (PRGN - January 9, 2023)
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Summary Section:
Media Relations 2023: Consider Backgrounders, FAQ Pitches and Nonprofit Newsrooms
PRNEWS - January 9, 2023
PR should consider providing background briefings for harried reporters and making FAQ-story pitches, panelists said during a PRNEWS event.
Shhhhh: The Value Of Quiet Leadership
By Catherine Seeds, President and Partner at Ketner Group Communications
Forbes - January 6, 2023
Over the years, I’ve learned to embrace my approach to leadership and have learned a few things along the way.
How real-time data helped McDonald's, Ford respond to high-stakes situations
By Allison Carter
PR Daily - January 9, 2023
Analytics can help us learn from the past to make better decisions about the future. But increasingly, real-time and predictive data is helping organizations determine how to act now. Data from NewsWhip helped McDonald’s decide to act and Ford to help in a time of crisis.
How do you measure wicked problems?
By Thomas Stoeckle
Institute for Public Relations - January 2, 2023
As 2022 drew to a close, the time felt right to reflect on a year that was meant to bring a level of calm after the pandemic disruptions. Instead, we got a war in Ukraine, an evolving global economic crisis, more bad news on the global climate, and seemingly more political polarisation. Amid all this, professional communicators needed to 'stay sane inside insanity' and provide evidence-led solutions to often intractable problems.
New Jersey First State to Teach Students Information Literacy
PRSay - January 7, 2023
Amid concerns over internet misinformation and political conspiracy theories, new legislation will make New Jersey the first state to require that K-12 students are taught "information literacy."
How to use risk methodology in your crisis comms strategies [PODCAST]
By Ben Smith
PRmoment (UK) - January 9, 2023
This week we're talking to George Hutchinson founder of River Effra Communications about the expanding area of risk methodology in crisis communication.
15 Challenges Corporate Communications Teams Will Face In 2023
By Forbes Communications Council
Forbes - January 6, 2023
As the new year begins, those in the communications field find themselves facing various obstacles—from continuing to work with entirely remote or hybrid teams to navigating digital marketing after the loss of third-party cookies.
How to set your professional goals for 2023
By Rachel Miller
Influence (UK) - January 4, 2023
What was on your to do list this time last year? What did you think 2022 would look like? How did it work out? If the last few years have taught us anything, it's that plans change.
5 ways to use social listening tools to enhance brand awareness
By Luca Ramassa
Agility PR Solutions - January 9, 2023
Let's explore how you can use social listening tools to improve your brand's awareness and image.
New Year, New Strategies: 4 Tactics To Leave in 2022
BLND Public Relations - January 5, 2023
2023 is finally here! Which means public relations agencies everywhere are refreshing their strategies with new and improved tactics. Too often, however, do outdated tasks get rolled in year over year, simply because "it's the way it's always been". This year, we're challenging you to think differently. Here are some trends and tactics that we think you should leave behind in the new year.
Use Your Peacetime Wisely
By Richard Levick, Esq., Chairman & CEO, LEVICK
Commpro - January 6, 2023
"You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make all of them yourself." – Sam Levenson
A Conversation with ChatGPT About AI and PR
Landis Communications - January 9, 2023
We recently had a conversation with ChatGPT about AI and chatbots’ impact on the PR industry, and thought we’d share the verbatim results.
Top Five 2022 Corporate Crises - And The Lessons Learned
By Nick Leighton, Owner & CEO, NettResults Middle East
PRGN - January 9, 2023
Every year, hundreds of companies face major scandals and crises that require a significant amount of damage control. There is a lot that PR and marketing professionals can learn from these situations and the selected response. Here are some of the top five corporate crises from 2022 and key takeaways that every leader can use to improve their crisis response management process.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.