Hello, your Tuesday Daily PR Brief is here - February 7, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
An Ethical Conundrum: Should Companies Post Diverse Imagery if They're Not Diverse? (PRNEWS - February 6, 2023)
Most Leaders Suck at Communications—Here's What to Do About It (Spin Sucks - February 7, 2023)
Ways Business Leaders Can Embrace Stress (Forbes - February 7, 2023)
How communicating your company's history can help the business (PR Daily - February 7, 2023)
Letter from the 2023 Chair of the IPR Board of Trustees: Yanique Woodall (Institute for Public Relations - February 7, 2023)
Entering the Anvil Awards? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Succeed (PRSay - February 7, 2023)
Marketing opportunities in uncertain times: New global trends report offers direction for 2023 (Agility PR Solutions - February 7, 2023)
How to recruit and retain young PR pros with Kim Ades | On Top of PR (Axia Public Relations - February 7, 2023) [PODCAST]
Under Recognized Value of PR is Keeping a Business out of a Bad Spot (Sword and the Script - February 7, 2023)
Passion Communicates. Without It, There is No Story to Tell. (Landis Communications - February 7, 2023)
Turning up the heat: How the British Gas boss responded to the company's dark day (Media First (UK) - February 7, 2023)
Meeting a journalist? Questions not pitches can deliver results (Influence - February 7, 2023)
The 8th annual
USC Annenberg Center for Public Relations Global Communications Survey
is now live!
Please join 100s of communication pros and share your thoughts
on the evolution of corporate reputation and how its components
and audiences will differ in the future.
There are also several questions on the impact of ESG.
Take the survey at: https://bit.ly/USC2023survey or annenberg.usc.edu/gcs
Please share the link and invite other pros to participate!
Summary Section:
An Ethical Conundrum: Should Companies Post Diverse Imagery if They're Not Diverse?
By Seth Arenstein
PRNEWS - February 6, 2023
It's hard to believe but there are few ethics governing imagery in communication. Some companies are taking advantage of this.
Most Leaders Suck at Communications—Here's What to Do About It
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - February 7, 2023
According to Axios, nearly every leader sucks at communicating. Along with examples of terrible communications, we have 4 tips to improve it among leaders.
Ways Business Leaders Can Embrace Stress
By Hannah Trivette, Managing Director at NUVEW
Forbes - February 7, 2023
Running a business is undoubtedly stressful at times. Business leaders have to balance their long-term goals with managing their employees, clients and everyday tasks. Whether you're dealing with a frustrating client or your plans aren't going as expected, you may feel unprepared to handle these challenges. As a result, you may experience stress. You aren't alone—a 2022 survey of small-business owners revealed that 24% were currently experiencing burnout and 42% had experienced burnout at some point during the month prior to the survey.
How communicating your company's history can help the business
By Adam Kiefaber
PR Daily - February 7, 2023
For the past decade, every corporate communicator has been trying (and likely struggling) to tell its company's innovation story. Most of the time, the storylines focus on the tech and ideas of the future and rarely include a look to the past.
Letter from the 2023 Chair of the IPR Board of Trustees: Yanique Woodall
By Yanique Woodall
Institute for Public Relations - February 7, 2023
It's hard to believe we're one full month into the new year. As communicators, in our fast-paced, deadline-driven, and constantly evolving environments, time seems to move faster than the speed of light!
Entering the Anvil Awards? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Succeed
By Michael Gross
PRSay - February 7, 2023
The regular entry deadline for the 2023 Anvil Award entries is Feb. 10; final submissions are due on Feb. 24. PRSA will present the Anvil Awards on June 8 at the historic Edison Ballroom in the heart of New York City's Theater District.
Marketing opportunities in uncertain times: New global trends report offers direction for 2023
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - February 7, 2023
As business leaders and marketers prepare for a year that’s sure to bring new challenges—but also opportunities—new research from Deloitte guides them through uncertainties that they may face in 2023, along with strategic approaches that may help propel their businesses forward.
How to recruit and retain young PR pros with Kim Ades | On Top of PR [PODCAST]
Axia Public Relations - February 7, 2023
Jason Mudd discusses how to recruit and retain young PR professionals at our organizations with Kim Ades.
Under Recognized Value of PR is Keeping a Business out of a Bad Spot
By Frank Strong
Sword and the Script - February 7, 2023
Taking in a wide view of the landscape is one of the under-recognized benefits of PR.
Passion Communicates. Without It, There is No Story to Tell.
By Makenzi Jordan Rodriguez
Landis Communications - February 7, 2023
Storytelling is about conveying a message to create a narrative that resonates. And without passion, storytelling would cease to exist.
Turning up the heat: How the British Gas boss responded to the company's dark day
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - February 7, 2023
How did British Gas respond to an undercover investigation on the way it treats vulnerable customers? And what crisis communication lessons can you learn from it?
Meeting a journalist? Questions not pitches can deliver results
By Anna Pedroza
Influence - February 7, 2023
Any PR snaps up the chance to meet a journalist face to face, particularly as opportunities are few and far between these days. But making the best use of this valuable time means we need to resist the temptation to pitch stories.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.