Daily PR Brief
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
How PR Can Lead by Example to Promote Workplace Wellness for Mental Health (PRNEWS - March 14, 2023)
Key Lessons 15 Agency Pros Will Carry Throughout Their Careers (Forbes - March 13, 2023)
Silicon Valley Bank's fatal communications flaw (Axios - March 14, 2023)
Time to Get Ready for the Artificial Intelligence CEO (O'Dwyer's - March 14, 2023)
7 new social media features you need to know this week (PR Daily - March 14, 2023)
Gen Z Trends: January & February 2023 (5W Public Relations - March 14, 2023)
3 reasons your business struggles with press coverage (Agility PR Solutions - March 14, 2023)
This AI is 'Taylor' Made for Media Relations; PRophet Adds Generative AI to PR Software (Sword and the Script - March 14, 2023)
The Rise of Deinfluencing and How Brands Can Benefit (Xenophon Strategies - March 13, 2023)
Flack's crisis communications playbook (Flack - March 14, 2023)
How business leaders can master the art of storytelling in their presentations (Media First (UK) - March 14, 2023)
Multiculturalism in America And Generation Self-Defined (PRovoke Media - March 13, 2023) [PODCAST]
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Summary Section:
How PR Can Lead by Example to Promote Workplace Wellness for Mental Health
By Melissa Rieger
PRNEWS - March 14, 2023
The topic of mental health transcends politics…and how it should be addressed needs to be normalized. Here are four tips to help PR professionals lead by example when it comes to promoting mental health and wellness.
Key Lessons 15 Agency Pros Will Carry Throughout Their Careers
By Forbes Agency Council
Forbes - March 13, 2023
Working in an agency can be a demanding yet highly rewarding career choice. As professionals navigate this fast-paced and ever-changing industry, they often learn important career lessons along the way that not only help them succeed in their current roles but can also be applied in future endeavors.
Silicon Valley Bank's fatal communications flaw
By Eleanor Hawkins
Axios - March 14, 2023
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank — one of the tech industry's leading financial institutions — left venture firms, the startup community and the banking industry in a tizzy. Why it matters: In moments of uncertainty, overt communication drives confidence.
Time to Get Ready for the Artificial Intelligence CEO
By Bill Huey
O'Dwyer's - March 14, 2023
It may be decades away, but it isn't too early to start thinking about the advent of the AI CEO. ChatGTP is already making major waves, and the Googles and Metas of the world are working on AI at breakneck speed. The developments of the next decade may change the face of corporate America.
7 new social media features you need to know this week
By Allison Carter
PR Daily - March 14, 2023
We're seeing tons of new AI integrations into social media. Some of it is overt, as in Discord's new trio of bots that offer a variety of services raging from a good conversation to help moderating a chat. Others are more subtle and behind the scenes, as in Facebook's new updates, used to fuel suggestions rather than as an active feature users can interact with. Let's dive in and see what else is new this week.
Gen Z Trends: January & February 2023
5W Public Relations - March 14, 2023
Discover Gen Z trends such as two Gen Z words that made the Cambridge/Oxford Dictionary in 2022, rising influencers, trending TikTok sounds, and more.
3 reasons your business struggles with press coverage
By James Daniels
Agility PR Solutions - March 14, 2023
If your press releases fail to gain press, journalists never cover your industry events, or your articles fail to generate attention, you may need to make changes to your PR tactics.
This AI is 'Taylor' Made for Media Relations; PRophet Adds Generative AI to PR Software
By Frank Strong
Sword and the Script - March 14, 2023
Former PR agency leader is a building software product -- PRophet -- focused on improving PR pitches with two different types of artificial intelligence (AI).
The Rise of Deinfluencing and How Brands Can Benefit
By Annie Buschman
Xenophon Strategies - March 13, 2023
The underlying theme of deinfluencing is stopping overconsumption, an issue for gen Z and gen X in post-pandemic life with the rapid rise of online shopping and TikTok. The trend is especially popular with beauty products, where participating users take to TikTok to give honest reviews.
Flack's crisis communications playbook
By Lulu Cheng Meservey
Flack - March 14, 2023
My crisis comms approach is inspired by advice from Urijah Faber, a Hall of Fame UFC fighter and a very wise person. I once asked how his team prepares for fights, and he repeated a mantra, "Don't get ready, stay ready." Because a big fight can come when you don't expect it — and when it does, there won't be enough time to prepare.
How business leaders can master the art of storytelling in their presentations
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - March 14, 2023
Want to know how you can master the art of storytelling for your next presentation? We’ve put together a guide covering what makes a great story and where you can find them.
Multiculturalism in America And Generation Self-Defined [PODCAST]
By Megan Miller
PRovoke Media - March 13, 2023
As the number of multicultural groups continues to grow, the need for agencies and brands to think differently about how they engage with these distinctive audiences is more important than ever before.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.