Please enjoy Friday's Daily PR Brief - April 28, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Managing client expectations when the news cycle goes south (PR Daily - April 26, 2023)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Gini Dietrich (O'Dwyer's - April 27, 2023) [VIDEO]
Corporate Reputation in 2023 (Institute for Public Relations - April 28, 2023)
Good and Bad PR: What do Mike Ashley, Uber and Twitter have in common? Answer - They all win Bad PR of the week (PRmoment (UK) - April 26, 2023)
Decision distress: Drowning in data, business leaders are struggling to steer companies in the right direction (Agility PR Solutions - April 28, 2023)
Employee advocacy: The secret to creating authentic communication (Firefly Communications (UK) - April 27, 2023)
Can Using Social Media Become Illegal? (HMA Public Relations - April 27, 2023)
Headliners: Radina Russell (PRovoke Media - April 28, 2023)
PR Life: What Does Your Child Think You Do for Work? (PRNEWS - April 27, 2023)
Is traditional PR dead? 7 takeaways on the future of PR (Muck Rack - April 28, 2023)
AI disclaimers should be a PR industry standard (Influence - April 26, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
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Summary Section:
Managing client expectations when the news cycle goes south
By Dustin Siggins, Founder of Proven Media Solutions
PR Daily - April 26, 2023
Nothing sinks a PR pro's heart like the news cycle spinning out of control. It happened to the entire world in September 2008 (bank bailout/recession), March 2020 (COVID-19 pandemic) and – if you're in politics – it happened on Monday (Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon being fired).
PR's Top Pros Talk: Gini Dietrich [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - April 27, 2023
After a read through D S Simon Media's "PR and the Metaverse 3.0" report, Gini Dietrich, the CEO of Arment Dietrich and founder of Spin Sucks, says that she was "blown away" by the view of the metaverse's impact on the future of PR that it gave.
Corporate Reputation in 2023
Institute for Public Relations - April 28, 2023
USC Annenberg Center for Public Relations explored corporate reputation and the factors that impact it, including consumer and employee expectations.
Good and Bad PR: What do Mike Ashley, Uber and Twitter have in common? Answer - They all win Bad PR of the week
By Andy Barr, Owner, 10 Yetis Digital
PRmoment (UK) - April 26, 2023
Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between, please may I formally welcome you to another round up of the Good, the Bad and the Mike Ashley of public relations from the last seven days.
Decision distress: Drowning in data, business leaders are struggling to steer companies in the right direction
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - April 28, 2023
Data-driven approaches have helped marketers and communicators significantly with informing and targeting their campaign efforts, but in the greater business world, much of the data leaders are receiving is just adding confusion to their decision-making prowess–and stress to their professional and personal lives. New research from Oracle and data scientist and author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz reveals that many feel overwhelmed—and under-qualified—to use data to make decisions and it's hurting their quality of life and business performance.
Employee advocacy: The secret to creating authentic communication
By Charlotte Stoel
Firefly Communications (UK) - April 27, 2023
Quiet thriving (the opposite of quiet quitting) is the newest HR buzzword doing the rounds. Quiet thriving essentially means making small changes, shifting your mental state and helping give you a positive outlook. And we could all do with that positivity right now after the disruption of the great resignation teamed with economic uncertainty. For those in comms, what does this trend mean?
Can Using Social Media Become Illegal?
By Scott Hanson
HMA Public Relations - April 27, 2023
Scott Hanson discusses privacy on social media, noting recent changes with state regulations on the issue.
Headliners: Radina Russell
By Maja Pawinska Sims
PRovoke Media - April 28, 2023
In the latest instalment of our series of conversations with PR leaders who have hit the PRovoke Media headlines, we talk to Radina Russell, Edelman's Atlanta lead, who was recently promoted to chair of the agency's US corporate practice.
PR Life: What Does Your Child Think You Do for Work?
PRNEWS - April 27, 2023
In honor of Take Your Kid to Work Day, PRNEWS asked the communications industry, "What does your child think you do for work?"
Is traditional PR dead? 7 takeaways on the future of PR
By Kristen Dunleavy
Muck Rack - April 28, 2023
Is traditional PR dead? The final session of the PR Net Future Focus Conference, presented in partnership with Muck Rack, set out to answer this exact question. Panel moderator Elizabeth Harrison, the CEO and co-founder of H&S, sat down with some of the top PR pros in the industry to talk about the role of traditional PR and how it's changing.
AI disclaimers should be a PR industry standard
By Sam Patchett
Influence - April 26, 2023
Reflecting on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, Sam Patchett explains why his agency chose to publicly disclose how they use AI in their work.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.