Please enjoy today's Daily PR Brief - May 3, 2023
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
9 strategies supporting the importance of public relations in 2023 (Agility PR Solutions - May 2, 2023)
How PR Teams Can Use ChatGPT (Crenshaw Communications - May 2, 2023)
Burnout, 'Quiet Quitting' Take Center Stage (O'Dwyer's - May 2, 2023)
Lessons from Lynne Choi Uyeda, pioneering Asian-American PR pro (PR Daily - May 3, 2023)
Generative AI Tools Can Save Time, Increase Productivity for PR Pros (PRNEWS - May 1, 2023)
For New Graduates, Flexible Work, Recognition, Benefits Among Top Job Factors (PRSay - May 2, 2023)
How To Make 'Community' More Than A Buzzword In 2023 (Forbes - May 3, 2023)
Know Your Audience (Axia Public Relations - May 1, 2023)
10 Tips to Leverage AI in Social Media Content Creation (Mention - May 3, 2023)
Allison & Prosek Partners Lead 2023 North American Agency Of The Year Winners (PRovoke Media - May 3, 2023)
SaaS PR: Telling a Great Story Through Data (Blast Media - May 1, 2023)
How Establishing and Promoting Thought Leadership on Social Media can Elevate Your Company's Brand (w2comm - May 2, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
They partner directly with brands or white-label their services on behalf of agency partners
Summary Section:
9 strategies supporting the importance of public relations in 2023
By Kevin Gardner
Agility PR Solutions - May 2, 2023
From day one, a business owner must work on establishing their brand as an industry leader, and public relations may be a topic thought about infrequently. However, it should be considered in your day-to-day business operations to optimize your growth and success. While the main emphasis of PR is to develop trust for the brand while communicating company beliefs, innovations and values, there is much more to the importance of PR. Consistently good PR campaigns are essential for your brand's long-term success.
How PR Teams Can Use ChatGPT
By Adam Brett
Crenshaw Communications - May 2, 2023
So, what are the best ways for PR teams to incorporate ChatGPT? Below are some uses that can increase productivity while maintaining the integrity of human involvement.
Burnout, 'Quiet Quitting' Take Center Stage
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - May 2, 2023
The mushrooming rate of employee burnout and rise of "quiet quitting" are big issues for both employers and workers in today's job environment—and Twitter is turning out to be a major stage on which the controversies around those topics are playing out.
Lessons from Lynne Choi Uyeda, pioneering Asian-American PR pro
By Matilda Lindberg
PR Daily - May 3, 2023
The art of good public relations is tied to success of creating a sense of belonging and understanding between the individual and the brand. Recent years have highlighted the corporate cultural dilemma of how minorities often are forgotten in the quest to reach the target audience. Lynne Choi Uyeda found this hole in the industry decades ago when she was one of the first female and first Asian PR professionals. She attributes the kickstarting of her career to understanding minorities and how to communicate with them. She carved out a niche by targeting an audience the corporations never thought of at the time, namely, the AAPI community.
Generative AI Tools Can Save Time, Increase Productivity for PR Pros
PRNEWS - May 1, 2023
PRNEWS rounded up a few generative AI tools that have come out in recent weeks to help communicators save time and increase productivity.
For New Graduates, Flexible Work, Recognition, Benefits Among Top Job Factors
By Avery Miller
PRSay - May 2, 2023
For college seniors, graduation day is approaching this spring. Preparing to enter the workplace can be stressful, especially when trying to find the right organization and opportunity. As a senior PR student at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C., I have been hunting for the perfect job. This year's graduates are trying to present the best versions of themselves while searching for the right workplace.
How To Make 'Community' More Than A Buzzword In 2023
By Susan Frech, Founder, CEO of Vesta
Forbes - May 3, 2023
In 2022, McKinsey declared "community" as the big idea of 2020s marketing. Brand communities are not a new concept, and community websites have been a staple of the internet for a long time. Why should you care now? Here are three ways to ensure your community-powered marketing strategy meets consumer needs.
Know Your Audience
By Jason Mudd
Axia Public Relations - May 1, 2023
From 420-themed marketing from global brands to Anheuser-Busch's absolute blunder in corporate comms, opportunities to connect (or not) abound. The key to creating unforgettable brand moments is to know your audience. Doing so, well, takes data.
10 Tips to Leverage AI in Social Media Content Creation
By Ian David
Mention - May 3, 2023
Levering AI in your social media content strategy is gaining popularity. Here are our top 10 tools to help your content strategy thrive.
Allison & Prosek Partners Lead 2023 North American Agency Of The Year Winners
PRovoke Media - May 3, 2023
Allison+Partners was named overall North American Agency of the Year at last night's SABRE Awards ceremony, after landing Midsize Agency of the Year honors, ahead of H+K Strategies, MikeWorldWide, Ruder Finn and Zeno Group.
SaaS PR: Telling a Great Story Through Data
By Jodi Ireland
Blast Media - May 1, 2023
Data reports can provide information that helps drive content and coverage. You want the data to prove a point, but can you set up a story that will hit home to your audience and secure customers?
How Establishing and Promoting Thought Leadership on Social Media can Elevate Your Company's Brand
By Ashley Kearns
w2comm - May 2, 2023
Similar to social influencers, social media thought leaders invest in developing their personal brand and finding unique ways to influence and captivate their audience. However, the focus for thought leaders is on establishing themselves as experts with precise knowledge tied to a particular industry or topic of interest, as opposed to lifestyle-oriented influence. Through a strategic approach to social media and content marketing, aspiring thought leaders can build a loyal following and become valuable resources for others in their industry.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.