Hi! Check out Monday's Daily PR Brief - May 8, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Behind the scenes on the PR Council's Guidelines on Generative AI (PR Daily - May 8, 2023)
How cloud infrastructure is transforming the PR industry: A deep dive into the benefits and challenges (Agility PR Solutions - May 5, 2023)
Story Finding, Rather than Storytelling, May Help Increase Cultural Relevance (PRNEWS - May 8, 2023)
Why Users Overpercieve Outrage on Twitter (Institute for Public Relations - May 5, 2023)
13 Special Efforts Smart Comms Teams Undertake In The Summertime (Forbes - May 5, 2023)
Don't Feed the Trolls (HMA Public Relations - May 5, 2023)
PRovokeNA: Video Prompts Revamp Of Influencer Marketing (PRovoke Media - May 8, 2023)
The PR agency market in the current economic climate (Influence (UK) - May 4, 2023)
The 5 ways you hurt your own writing process (Ragan Communications - May 8, 2023)
The Power of Influencer Marketing in PR Campaigns (Everything PR News - May 4, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
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Summary Section:
Behind the scenes on the PR Council's Guidelines on Generative AI
By Allison Carter
PR Daily - May 8, 2023
Generative AI technology is advancing at dizzying speed. That's why it's more important than ever to have a code of ethics to guide and ground you as you learn and experiment.
How cloud infrastructure is transforming the PR industry: A deep dive into the benefits and challenges
By Srushti Shah
Agility PR Solutions - May 5, 2023
Over the years, cloud technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate by providing a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution to their IT needs.
Story Finding, Rather than Storytelling, May Help Increase Cultural Relevance
By Erika Bradbury
PRNEWS - May 8, 2023
Kickstarter recently added two Twitter alums to its marketing and communications team: Courtney Brown Warren as VP of Brand Marketing and Nikki Kria as Head of Communications. PRNEWS spoke with Kria about the plans to revitalize the brand.
Why Users Overpercieve Outrage on Twitter
By William J. Brady
Institute for Public Relations - May 5, 2023
Dr. William J. Brady and colleagues analyzed the how social media users perceive more anger and outrage from political posts than how the author originally intended. This misunderstanding of tone affects belief in polarization, extremity, and normalizes a sense of hatred on platforms.
13 Special Efforts Smart Comms Teams Undertake In The Summertime
By Forbes Communications Council
Forbes - May 5, 2023
With many businesses experiencing a slower pace during the summer months, communications teams can take advantage of this downtime to launch new campaigns, conduct research and make plans for the rest of the year.
Don't Feed the Trolls
By Abbie Fink
HMA Public Relations - May 5, 2023
By definition, a troll is “…a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses or manipulating others’ perception.”
PRovokeNA: Video Prompts Revamp Of Influencer Marketing
By Diana Marszalek
PRovoke Media - May 8, 2023
Speakers at PRovoke Media's North America summit discussed the rise in social video and how it has increased consumer demand for engaging, entertaining content.
The PR agency market in the current economic climate
By Stephen Waddington
Influence (UK) - May 4, 2023
From cash flow to recruitment freezes, how has the sector dealt with the economic slowdown and what can PR professionals expect as we head towards summer?
The 5 ways you hurt your own writing process
By Allison Carter
Ragan Communications - May 8, 2023
There are tons of outside forces that can influence your writing and keep you from turning in your best work. A last-minute deadline or an unclear assignment can trip up even the best writer. But that's not what we're going to talk about today. Today, let's focus on the ways you get in your own way. These are all easy traps to fall into — but ones we can find our way back out of with a little awareness and thought.
The Power of Influencer Marketing in PR Campaigns
Everything PR News - May 4, 2023
Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for public relations (PR) professionals to reach and engage with target audiences. By partnering with influencers who have a strong following on social media, PR professionals can create effective campaigns that resonate with consumers.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.