Check out Friday's Daily PR Brief - June 30, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
2023 Bulldog PR Awards Winners announced: Congrats, PR top 'dogs! (Agility PR Solutions - June 30, 2023)
Why AI? Three Reasons For Best-In-Class Communicators To Embrace It (Forbes - June 30, 2023)
Will 'bad work' solve digital PR's creativity gap? (The Drum - June 30, 2023)
AP style updates: Can you use the term 'woke?' (PR Daily - June 28, 2023)
Embracing the Class of 2023 in the PR Industry (PRNEWS - June 29, 2023)
The ESG Review: Did ESG just get cancelled? (PRmoment (UK) - June 28, 2023)
The power of storytelling in content marketing: Why PR pros must embrace it (Agility PR Solutions - June 29, 2023)
Larry Weber On The Evolution Of Tech PR (PRovoke Media - June 29, 2023) [PODCAST]
Edelman Cuts 240 People (O'Dwyer's - June 28, 2023)
Have the politicians left the room? (Influence (UK) - June 27, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
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Summary Section:
2023 Bulldog PR Awards Winners announced: Congrats, PR top 'dogs!
Agility PR Solutions - June 30, 2023
Bulldog Reporter is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2023 Bulldog PR Awards, which recognize remarkable PR and communications campaigns and impressive individual and agency contributions to the PR industry from the previous year.
Why AI? Three Reasons For Best-In-Class Communicators To Embrace It
By Cheryl Goodman
Forbes - June 30, 2023
If words, images or video are the mediums in which you earned a living, you have now officially joined the ranks of automation via artificial intelligence (AI).
Will 'bad work' solve digital PR's creativity gap?
By Richard Paul
The Drum - June 30, 2023
Has digital PR had its day? Or will strings of ‘bad work’ push it to continuously come up with better, creative ideas? Richard Paul of Propellernet has faith in the latter.
AP style updates: Can you use the term 'woke?'
By Sherri Kolade
PR Daily - June 28, 2023
Paula Froke, AP Stylebook editor, shared updates on changing linguistic trends and clarified some points of confusion to help us all write more clearly. Froke also talked about the book's style evolution over the years and the process of updating the book, which is a mainstay for journalists and PR pros.
Embracing the Class of 2023 in the PR Industry
By Tai Nichols
PRNEWS - June 29, 2023
Communications professionals share valuable insights and tips for the class of 2023's transition into the public relations industry.
The ESG Review: Did ESG just get cancelled?
By Steve Earl, Partner at BOLDT
PRmoment (UK) - June 28, 2023
If you ever wanted a clear example of how ESG has become a polarised and weaponised term, look no further than the headlines it has generated this week. The proclamation from the so-called godfather of ESG, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, that he will no longer use the term ESG because of how politicised it has become, was clickbait-on-a-plate for many business journalists.
The power of storytelling in content marketing: Why PR pros must embrace it
By Marian Domingo
Agility PR Solutions - June 29, 2023
Throughout history, humans have sought to make sense of the world around them through stories. It has been the vessel people have used to pass on wisdom, influence behavior, and shape cultures. From ancient storytellers spinning mythical yarns by the campfire to modern-day content creators and marketers spinning irresistible narratives on the vast canvas of the internet, the art of storytelling has never lost its grip. PR professionals can also harness the power of storytelling to transform their campaigns, elevating them from mere information-sharing exercises to captivating narratives that leave a lasting impression.
Larry Weber On The Evolution Of Tech PR [PODCAST]
PRovoke Media - June 29, 2023
Larry Weber, founder & CEO of Racepoint Global, joins the PRovoke Media podcast for a conversation about the evolution of tech PR over the last 40-plus years and the critical role purpose plays in successful communications.
Edelman Cuts 240 People
By Kevin McCauley
O'Dwyer's - June 28, 2023
Edelman is cutting 240 employees, or about four percent of its workforce, to cope with the cooling down of the PR sector, according to a memo from CEO Richard Edelman. The majority of the layoffs are senior-level staffers.
Have the politicians left the room?
By Stuart Thomson
Influence (UK) - June 27, 2023
Navigating the complexities of engaging with political audiences requires perseverance and a strategic approach. Engaging with political audiences can often feel like an uphill challenge for those seeking to make an impact. Even when an event seems directly relevant, politicians may not always want to take part.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.