Hello! Peruse your Monday Daily PR Brief - July 31, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Five Habits That Improve a PR Pro's Productivity (PRGN - July 31, 2023)
Why PR campaigns often don't work—and how to make them more media friendly (Agility PR Solutions - July 31, 2023)
10 Reasons Why People Hate Thought Leadership (Forbes - July 28, 2023)
Communicator Spotlight: Janice Kapner, T-Mobile's chief communications and corporate responsibility officer (Axios - July 27, 2023)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Seth Linden (O'Dwyer's - July 28, 2023) [VIDEO]
Threads is a mixed bag for marketers right now. Here's why. (PR Daily - July 31, 2023)
Comms lessons from a legendary literary editor (Ragan Communications - July 31, 2023)
The Future of AI in PR (Axia Public Relations - July 30, 2023)
Headliners: Rebecca Lowell Edwards (PRovoke Media - July 28, 2023)
7 tips for speaking with confidence and influence (Influence (UK) - July 25, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
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Summary Section:
Five Habits That Improve a PR Pro's Productivity
By Samantha Frost, Vice President, L.C. Williams & Associates
PRGN - July 31, 2023
In a career defined by busy, unpredictable days, PR pros are always looking for ways to be more productive. Here are five ways to help you work smarter – not harder – and prioritize productivity.
Why PR campaigns often don't work—and how to make them more media friendly
By Arthur Solomon
Agility PR Solutions - July 31, 2023
Prior to jumping to the PR side of the fence from the newspaper wall, I was a reporter and editor at New York City dailies and wire services. As a reporter and editor, I always took into account the news value, the feature story possibilities or the uniqueness of a story being pitched to me. And unlike many journalists, when in doubt about a pitch, I would always err on the side of the public relations person. But doing that was often a mistake because after spending time researching a story, to use a phrase now en vogue, "there was no there there."
10 Reasons Why People Hate Thought Leadership
By Yogesh Shah, CEO at iResearch Services, TechInformed & GivingforGood
Forbes - July 28, 2023
Establishing yourself as a thought leader can greatly enhance your brand identity. However, I've found that many people express a distaste for thought leadership. What could be causing this sentiment? Below are 10 reasons why many people are opposed to the practice.
Communicator Spotlight: Janice Kapner, T-Mobile's chief communications and corporate responsibility officer
By Eleanor Hawkins
Axios - July 27, 2023
T-Mobile's chief communications and corporate responsibility officer Janice Kapner is the walking embodiment of a valued communicator.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Seth Linden [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - July 28, 2023
"Being able to break through a consolidated media industry requires skill," Dukas Linden Public Relations president Seth Linden tells Doug Simon.
Threads is a mixed bag for marketers right now. Here's why.
By Belle Quiao and Sky McMullen
PR Daily - July 31, 2023
Threads of fate — is this new platform part of your B2B marketing destiny? Signs point to "not yet." Meta recently launched Threads as a challenger network to Twitter, with a focus on creating a positive community.
Comms lessons from a legendary literary editor
By Tom Corfman
Ragan Communications - July 31, 2023
The legendary literary editor Robert Gottlieb, who died last month, showed that good editing is more than rewriting copy.
The Future of AI in PR
By Bre Chamley
Axia Public Relations - July 30, 2023
Artificial intelligence is more relevant in the field of PR than ever. It's important for PR pros to be up to date on the latest AI trends so they can use them to their advantage in automating tedious, often mundane tasks. The future of AI in PR will likely assist industry professionals in focusing their attention on more important tasks and responsibilities. But, how exactly are PR pros going to use AI in the future?
Headliners: Rebecca Lowell Edwards
By Diana Marszalek
PRovoke Media - July 28, 2023
In this week's conversation with a PR leader who has recently hit the PRovoke Media headlines, we speak to Organon CCO Rebecca Lowell Edwards.
7 tips for speaking with confidence and influence
By Tom McLaughlin
Influence (UK) - July 25, 2023
Many believe speaking with gravitas to be a talent, as opposed to a learned trait. But, there are tangible steps you can take to build your confidence when public speaking – here's how.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.