Take a look at Wednesday's Daily PR Brief - August 16, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
PR Crises of Ellen, Steve Harvey Offer Guidance as Lizzo's Brand Value is Attacked (CommPRO - August 15, 2023)
The Power Of Inside-Out Comms (Forbes - August 16, 2023)
Moz debuts new metric, Brand Authority, to measure brand strength (Search Engine Land - August 7, 2023)
Ignore all PR tips (including this one) (PR Daily - August 14, 2023)
How to Create Social Video Like an Expert (Even When You Are Not) (PRNEWS - August 14, 2023)
The PR expert's guide to modern mobile games PR (Pocket Gamer - August 16, 2023)
Advertising takes a PR pivot as brand factors like consumer loyalty prove to have a greater impact on sales than just reaching a broader audience (Agility PR Solutions - August 16, 2023)
How To Use Timing For Top B2B PR Results (Crenshaw Communications - August 16, 2023)
Like it or Not: Office Attire Has Changed Forever (Culpwrit - August 15, 2023)
Smashing the plastic ceiling: how Barbie's inclusive communication approach broke the mould (Influence (UK) - August 16, 2023)
Podcast: How Brands Can Build Consumer Love In A Cost-Of-Living Crisis (PRovoke Media - August 15, 2023) [PODCAST]
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
They partner directly with brands or white-label their services on behalf of agency partners
Summary Section:
PR Crises of Ellen, Steve Harvey Offer Guidance as Lizzo's Brand Value is Attacked
By Seth Arenstein
CommPRO - August 15, 2023
Like relationships, reputations have highs and lows. Some things burnish reputations, others hurt, becoming small negatives or large, direct hits. At this moment, it's unclear how the lawsuit against pop star Lizzo ultimately will affect her reputation and career. Lizzo's options seem limited, though earlier celebrity public relations crises may provide useful insights.
The Power Of Inside-Out Comms
By Catherine Anderson, SVP of Communications at Cityblock Health
Forbes - August 16, 2023
It may feel counterintuitive, but your best risk mitigation strategy is to ensure your internal story maps to your external narrative.
Moz debuts new metric, Brand Authority, to measure brand strength
By Danny Goodwin
Search Engine Land - August 7, 2023
Online brand strength is calculated as a score between 1-100. The metric is meant to capture broad signals of an brand's influence.
Ignore all PR tips (including this one)
By Jacob Streiter
PR Daily - August 14, 2023
Never pitch on Fridays. Always use a hashtag. Whatever you do, don't ever let your client say "no comment." Familiar with those tips? Great. Now throw them away! Right into the trash bin.
How to Create Social Video Like an Expert (Even When You Are Not)
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - August 14, 2023
PRNEWS asked some video experts for some tips for communicators who may not have an editing and production background, but can create engaging social video with some simple guidance.
The PR expert's guide to modern mobile games PR
Pocket Gamer - August 16, 2023
In this article, Anastasia Zaiceva, Chief Communications Officer at ZiMAD, shares how PR not only helps them to interact with their audience but also how it directly affects the success and revenue of the company.
Advertising takes a PR pivot as brand factors like consumer loyalty prove to have a greater impact on sales than just reaching a broader audience
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - August 16, 2023
The integration of PR and marketing has been underway for some time, basically going back to when brands started setting up websites. But advertising has mostly kept to its own (highly influential) niche within the comms department at arms' length from PR. However, new research from advertising data firm NCSolutions shows that our cross-departmental colleagues are having to put on their PR hats from time to time as consumer loyalty (not that it's a new ad metric by any means), as well as other brand factors like market share and brand penetration, are having significantly more influence in consumer advertising.
How To Use Timing For Top B2B PR Results
By Ron Stein
Crenshaw Communications - August 16, 2023
When it comes to PR, timing makes all the difference. Here's how to have great timing in B2B tech PR planning.
Like it or Not: Office Attire Has Changed Forever
Culpwrit - August 15, 2023
An agency leader who has hired several recent graduates sent me the recent Wall Street Journal story with the following headline: “What’s Too Casual for Work in 2023? You Can Get Away With More Now.” His email requested that educators do a better job of stressing soft skills – including appropriate work attire – in our classes.
Smashing the plastic ceiling: how Barbie's inclusive communication approach broke the mould
By Emily Horton
Influence (UK) - August 16, 2023
Armed with a $150 million marketing budget, Barbie's communication team invested its money loudly and proudly to not only get bums of seats but share its satirically feminist message with the masses.
Podcast: How Brands Can Build Consumer Love In A Cost-Of-Living Crisis [PODCAST]
By PRovoke Media
PRovoke Media - August 15, 2023
In this episode of the PRovoke Media podcast, Cirkle's consumer managing director Kate Gibson and her client Jim Shearer, marketing director of frozen food giant Birds Eye, discuss how brands can continue to build consumer love and loyalty in a cost-of-living crisis – and why new research shows earned media is more powerful than ever.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.