Hi! Take a look at today's Daily PR Brief - September 19, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
18 Ways To Pitch The Right Media Outlets To Reach Polarized Audiences (Forbes - September 19, 2023)
Kindness feels good—and also drives business success: Here's how (Agility PR Solutions - September 19, 2023)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Chrissy Faessen (O'Dwyer's - September 18, 2023) [VIDEO]
4 unique (and lesser-known) ways to measure the ROI of digital PR (PR Daily - September 19, 2023)
The Best Place to Look for Consumer Insights May Not Be Where You Think (PRNEWS - September 18, 2023)
Research, Communication Crucial Before Collaborating With Influencers (PRsay - September 19, 2023)
Edelman U.S. CEO Lisa Osborne Ross taking "leave of absence" (Axios - September 18, 2023)
The pros and cons of using AI tools for PR and media relations (Agility PR Solutions - September 19, 2023)
Using AI in business writing (Ragan - September 19, 2023)
What Matters in an Interview (Culpwrit - September 19, 2023)
Media Training Tips for Executives: Guiding Leaders Through the Media Maze (Media First (UK) - September 18, 2023)
7 blueprints for the most effective types of media pitches (Muck Rack - September 19, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
They partner directly with brands or white-label their services on behalf of agency partners
Summary Section:
18 Ways To Pitch The Right Media Outlets To Reach Polarized Audiences
By Forbes Communications Council
Forbes - September 19, 2023
Finding themselves at this crossroads, PR pros today are seeking innovative strategies to successfully reach target demographics in a fractured media landscape. Here, 18 members of Forbes Communications Council explore strategies PR pros can employ to ensure their stories find their way into the right media spotlights and resonate with the right people.
Kindness feels good—and also drives business success: Here's how
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - September 19, 2023
Just like mother always said, a little kindness goes a long way—for people, and also for businesses. Newly updated research from management consultancy Baringa finds that companies considered kind are more likely to experience stronger growth.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Chrissy Faessen [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - September 18, 2023
Conway Strategic principal Chrissy Faessen talks with Doug Simon about the key factors involved in getting a nonprofit organization's message across.
4 unique (and lesser-known) ways to measure the ROI of digital PR
By Lucas Miller
PR Daily - September 19, 2023
One of the biggest challenges for any PR professional is to prove the return on investment (ROI) of their work. The link between a traditional media appearance and an increase in sales can usually be inferred, but proving the direct link isn't always so simple.
The Best Place to Look for Consumer Insights May Not Be Where You Think
By Lynn Altman
PRNEWS - September 18, 2023
Our contributor argues qualitative consumer research has its limitations, chief among them that consumers don’t think or talk in insights.
Research, Communication Crucial Before Collaborating With Influencers
By Theresa Carpenter
PRsay - September 19, 2023
In May 2023, the U.S. Navy was criticized by numerous lawmakers, veterans organizations and media outlets for its collaboration with an enlisted sailor and social media influencer who identifies as non-binary and performs as a female impersonator while off duty. The sailor posts pictures of these performances next to images in which the sailor wears a Navy uniform while on duty.
Edelman U.S. CEO Lisa Osborne Ross taking "leave of absence"
By Eleanor Hawkins
Axios - September 18, 2023
Edelman U.S. CEO Lisa Osborne Ross is taking a leave of absence and global president and chief operating officer Matthew Harrington will take over effective immediately, according to an internal memo shared with Axios.
The pros and cons of using AI tools for PR and media relations
By Juwaria Merchant
Agility PR Solutions - September 19, 2023
Artificial intelligence is officially the buzzword of the year. Take any industry as an example. Marketing? They're using artificial intelligence to personalize marketing campaigns. HR? They're using AI-powered tools to write job descriptions. Sales? They're using artificial intelligence to score leads. So, what does this mean for the public relations industry? What use cases can artificial intelligence support for folks like us? And what are the implications of using this technology?
Using AI in business writing
By Josh Bernoff
Ragan - September 19, 2023
Will AI tools like ChatGPT write your copy and take your job? Or will they just make you more productive? I recently tapped social media to connect with some of the world's most effective business writers: authors of successful business books. They shared tips on how to turn AI into your writing partner, not your replacement.
What Matters in an Interview
By Erica Swerdlow
Culpwrit - September 19, 2023
In the past 30+ years of working in public relations and communications, specifically at agencies, I have had the complex but rewarding task of hiring people in all types of positions; complex because it has always been difficult for me to find the right formula that helps find the right fit, and rewarding, because correctly done, I can help fulfill people's aspirations and build fantastic teams.
Media Training Tips for Executives: Guiding Leaders Through the Media Maze
Media First (UK) - September 18, 2023
Being asked to give television interviews and appear in front of a camera can feel particularly daunting, regardless of whether you are the CEO of a stock market-listed company, lead a small charity or organisation or have recently started your own company.
7 blueprints for the most effective types of media pitches
By Kristen Dunleavy
Muck Rack - September 19, 2023
PR coach Michael Smart shares the 10 building blocks of a successful pitch—plus seven blueprints for different types of pitches.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.