Good Monday! Here's your Daily PR Brief - October 23, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Introducing Ragan's 2023 Game Changers, communicators who are leading the way forward (Ragan Communications - October 23, 2023)
ESG Public Relations Need To Be Led With Trust, Truth And Transparency (Forbes - October 23, 2023)
PR Slips at Omnicom (O'Dwyer's - October 20, 2023)
The Friday Reporter Podcast: Corey Nathan (PR Daily - October 20, 2023) [PODCAST]
How to Foster a Culture of Authentic Internal Communicators (PRNEWS - October 20, 2023)
Generative AI: A Communications Professional's Secret Weapon (Spin Sucks - October 19, 2023)
How contact centers can be strategic digital assets in PR management (Agility PR Solutions - October 20, 2023)
Headliners: Grzegorz Szczepanski (PRovoke Media (UK) - October 20, 2023)
Modular Outlines: A better, faster way to repurpose content (Mention - October 20, 2023)
Public Relations as Relationship Management (PR Academy (UK) - October 19, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
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Summary Section:
Introducing Ragan's 2023 Game Changers, communicators who are leading the way forward
By Jess Zafarris
Ragan Communications - October 23, 2023
These distinguished communications leaders are recognized for their remarkable contributions, visionary initiatives and unwavering commitment to driving impactful outcomes within their respective organizations and beyond. Along the way, they have deftly redefined the way we face, prepare for and respond to today's most pressing and complex challenges.
ESG Public Relations Need To Be Led With Trust, Truth And Transparency
By Lars Voedisch, Founder & Managing Director at PRecious Communications
Forbes - October 23, 2023
Let’s delve into the strategies that can empower PR firms to take a leadership role for a more accountable, sustainable future.
PR Slips at Omnicom
By Kevin McCauley
O'Dwyer's - October 20, 2023
The FleishmanHillard, Ketchum, Porter Novelli, Mercury and Marina Maher Communications collection of PR firms at Omnicom reported a 0.2 percent decline in Q3 revenues to $392.4M and a 5.5 percent fall, organically.
The Friday Reporter Podcast: Corey Nathan [PODCAST]
PR Daily - October 20, 2023
This week's guest is podcast host and superstar Corey Nathan — host of Talkin' Politics and Religion Without Killing Each Other. At a time when polarization is at an all-time high, Corey launched and continues to host a super successful podcast with some of the most intriguing and compelling hosts in the U.S. today. His own amazing personal story inspired the concept and it's grown exponentially since then.
How to Foster a Culture of Authentic Internal Communicators
By Anna Stallman and Jeremiah Shirk
PRNEWS - October 20, 2023
Corporate America has a hard time being authentic. We focus on the right tone, the right data, the right audience and the right timing. It's a highly planned, scripted, and organized approach. Yet, the way people naturally communicate with one another is usually none of those. What if unscripted authenticity is the overlooked secret sauce to building and maintaining a strong company culture?
Generative AI: A Communications Professional's Secret Weapon
By Philip Tate
Spin Sucks - October 19, 2023
Where can generative AI help comms pros the most? There are opportunities to overcome writer's block, enhance media relations, and spark innovative ideas.
How contact centers can be strategic digital assets in PR management
By Lewis Robinson
Agility PR Solutions - October 20, 2023
Contact centers have evolved significantly, from being customer service hubs to playing a critical role in public relations, particularly in crisis situations. In an era where digital interactions can dramatically impact a company's reputation, the capacity of contact centers to deliver timely and empathetic responses has become crucial.
Headliners: Grzegorz Szczepanski
By Maja Pawinska Sims
PRovoke Media (UK) - October 20, 2023
In this week's Q&A, we talk to ICCO president and Hill+Knowlton Strategies Poland CEO Grzegorz Szczepanski, who last week opened the ICCO Global Summit in his home town of Warsaw, where the umbrella organisation for PR agencies and organisations ratified new guidelines on the use of AI in PR.
Modular Outlines: A better, faster way to repurpose content
By Lydia Knox
Mention - October 20, 2023
Repurposing content gives you the option to use valuable content you've created on all of your channels, yet going back and recreating content is difficult to do. A better way to repurpose is to start creating with repurposing content in mind. If you create from the beginning with repurposing in mind, you will save time and create more content than you imagined.
Public Relations as Relationship Management
By Richard Bailey
PR Academy (UK) - October 19, 2023
It seems obvious that a discipline called public relations should be focused on relationships. As a well-known definition from a classic public relations textbook puts it: 'Public relations is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or failure depends.’
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.