Good Monday! Peruse your Daily PR Brief - December 11, 2023

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Email Hyper-Personalization: PR's Secret Weapon For Media Outreach (Forbes - December 8, 2023)
PR Case Studies class hosts Socratic dialogue on "AI Takeover" (Rowan University - December 8, 2023)
Communicator Spotlight: Coca-Cola's Beatriz Perez (Axios - December 7, 2023)
Managing Crises in An Era of Polarization (O'Dwyer's - December 11, 2023)
The Scoop: How NASA embraced its kitschy, controversial 'worm' logo (PR Daily - December 11, 2023)
PR Roundup: Top TikToks, MarCom Blurs, Barbie's Missed Opportunity (PRNEWS - December 7, 2023)
The top PR crises of 2023 (PRmoment (UK) - December 6, 2023)
8 steps for building a successful social media strategy for PR pros (Agility PR Solutions - December 7, 2023)
How AI Is Exposing A Culture Of Broken Communication (Forbes - December 11, 2023)
Don't Just Babble on LinkedIn — You Need to Carve Out Your Own Niche. Here's Why. (Entrepreneur - December 8, 2023)
4 guides for ethical use of AI in PR (Ragan Communications - December 11, 2023)
This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
They partner directly with brands or white-label their services on behalf of agency partners
Summary Section:
Email Hyper-Personalization: PR's Secret Weapon For Media Outreach
By Emily Reynolds Bergh
Forbes - December 8, 2023
Email marketing is essential for any business to grow. Simply sending another mass email won't get the job done these days. Effective email outreach requires far more intention and preparation than one might perceive.
PR Case Studies class hosts Socratic dialogue on "AI Takeover"
Rowan University - December 8, 2023
On Dec. 6, a panel convened by students in this year's senior public relations class PR Case Studies took part in a Socratic dialogue – an organized debate in which the group sought to reach a consensus – to consider the phenomenon of artificial intelligence and whether it promises a utopian or dystopian future.
Communicator Spotlight: Coca-Cola's Beatriz Perez
By Eleanor Hawkins
Axios - December 7, 2023
From overseeing big brand and celebrity partnerships to managing the environmental impact of the world's largest beverage distributor, Beatriz Perez plays a key role in crafting the story of Coca-Cola.
Managing Crises in An Era of Polarization
By Ivy Cohen
O'Dwyer's - December 11, 2023
In America, our public discourse has become exceedingly contentious. We see it in the news media, social media, entertainment, labor negotiations, school board meetings, doctor's visits, and conversations at playgrounds. Being contrary has seeped into the fabric of our lives, pouring gasoline on proverbial fires and making resolving disagreements more difficult.
The Scoop: How NASA embraced its kitschy, controversial 'worm' logo
By Allison Carter
PR Daily - December 11, 2023
Quick, think of the NASA logo. What springs to mind? It could be the sleek, Star Trek-esque globe, known internally as "the meatball." Or it could be this funky, thoroughly 1970s text treatment with bubbly orange letters. NASA calls that one "the worm."
PR Roundup: Top TikToks, MarCom Blurs, Barbie's Missed Opportunity
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - December 7, 2023
This PR Roundup features how we can learn from the top TikToks of 2023, Muck Rack's latest survey on the blurring lines of marketing and PR, and Mattel's release of an Indigenous Barbie to mixed reviews.
The top PR crises of 2023
PRmoment (UK) - December 6, 2023
In what has become a PR Christmas classic, here is PRmoment's calendar of the worst PR crises of the year.
8 steps for building a successful social media strategy for PR pros
By Dmytro Sokhach
Agility PR Solutions - December 7, 2023
In a business landscape, communication means a lot. The company's success and growth perspectives largely hinge on the positive relationships with its stakeholders, be it customers, employees, investors, the media, or the general public. PR professionals work to build and maintain those relationships using various methods and channels.
How AI Is Exposing A Culture Of Broken Communication
By Bernard May, CEO of National Positions
Forbes - December 11, 2023
It may be time for all of us to take a step back and realize that our ability to communicate clearly is not deteriorating; it’s completely broken.
Don't Just Babble on LinkedIn — You Need to Carve Out Your Own Niche. Here's Why.
By Megan Thudium
Entrepreneur - December 8, 2023
To unlock the full potential of your LinkedIn experience, you need to establish yourself as a thought leader in a specific niche. Here's why.
4 guides for ethical use of AI in PR
By Allison Carter
Ragan Communications - December 11, 2023
Use these documents to create your own ethical frameworks for AI.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.