Good new week! Here's your Monday Daily PR Brief - November 4, 2024

This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by ITK Information Services.
The analysts at ITK curate custom daily media briefs with company news, competitor highlights, and key industry updates ready to share with the C Suite. (Like the curated newsletter you’re reading right now!)
They partner directly with brands or white-label their services on behalf of agency partners
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
PR Roundup: Election Week Advice, McDonald's Update, Scream Queens (PRNEWS - October 31, 2024)
5 Ways Honest Messaging Beats Dishonest Marketing (Forbes - November 4, 2024)
Public Relations is at the Crossroads of Measurement and Standards (Neville Hobson - November 1, 2024)
What it takes to move from tactical to strategic storytelling (PR Daily - November 4, 2024)
How Can Organizations Adopt Social Media Governance Without Crossing the Line? (Institute for Public Relations - October 15, 2024)
AI learning resources for PR and marketing pros to enhance their skills (Agility PR Solutions - November 1, 2024)
Navigating turbulent times (Axia Public Relations - November 1, 2024)
Industry Buzzes as Big Apple Awards 2024 Celebrates PR's Leading Visionaries and Rising Stars (CommPRO - November 1, 2024)
How Your PR Career Can Drive Social Change by Breaking All the Rules (Culpwrit - November 3, 2024)
Communication at the Core (Mixing Board - October 31, 2024)
'Thoughtful communication can educate, inspire and connect people' (Influence (UK) - November 1, 2024)
PRovokeGlobal: "No Comment No Longer Exists" (PRovoke Media - November 4, 2024)
Summary Section:
PR Roundup: Election Week Advice, McDonald's Update, Scream Queens
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - October 31, 2024
This PR Roundup explores last-minute advice for communicators during election week, an evaluation of McDonald's E. coli response and a notable Halloween campaign that channels a famous scream queen.
5 Ways Honest Messaging Beats Dishonest Marketing
By Drew Gerber, CEO of Wasabi Publicity
Forbes - November 4, 2024
Slowly but surely, companies are starting to see the intrinsic benefits of more authenticity and greater transparency. These companies are opening up the box to embrace straightforward customer relationships—and it’s paying off. Why? Because there are five meaningful ways that honest messaging beats dishonest marketing.
Public Relations is at the Crossroads of Measurement and Standards
Neville Hobson - November 1, 2024
In the landscape of public relations, two critical issues continue to challenge our profession: the persistent use of Advertising Value Equivalency as a measurement metric, and the ongoing debate about licensing PR practitioners. These seemingly disparate topics are, in fact, closely intertwined, both speaking to the fundamental question of how we define and maintain professional standards in PR. In this post, I'll explore these issues, their interconnections, and what they mean for the future of our industry.
What it takes to move from tactical to strategic storytelling
By Frank Wolf
PR Daily - November 4, 2024
If you want people to remember a piece of information, wrapping it in a story is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Studies show we recall stories anywhere from seven to 22 times better than isolated facts. Though, of course, the quality of the story matters.
How Can Organizations Adopt Social Media Governance Without Crossing the Line?
By Ellen Soens
Institute for Public Relations - October 15, 2024
In a recent study, we surveyed 502 Belgian employees to examine how people communicate about work on social media, and to what extent this online behavior is influenced by their employers’ social media governance tools. Based on our findings, we formulate three recommendations.
AI learning resources for PR and marketing pros to enhance their skills
By Deza Drone
Agility PR Solutions - November 1, 2024
If you want to stay relevant, stand out, and innovate, diving into resources for learning AI can help you make a great start. Here is a thorough guide to AI learning resources for PR and marketing professionals. Hone your skill set to learn how to incorporate AI into your work strategy.
Navigating turbulent times
By Jason Mudd
Axia Public Relations - November 1, 2024
See how your company should and shouldn't communicate during the election season, how Mountain Dew is coming back with the power of PR, and more!
Industry Buzzes as Big Apple Awards 2024 Celebrates PR's Leading Visionaries and Rising Stars
CommPRO - November 1, 2024
The 2024 Big Apple Awards left the PR industry buzzing, with top leaders and rising stars coming together to celebrate groundbreaking achievements and inspire the future of communications.
How Your PR Career Can Drive Social Change by Breaking All the Rules
By Gur Tsabar
Culpwrit - November 3, 2024
The mainstream media's gatekeeping is real. It controls the narrative and protects the powerful, sidelining issues like racial justice, labor rights, and international solidarity. If you're entering PR with a hunger for social change, you're on the front lines of a battlefield. Let's talk about hacking this broken system, not just navigating it.
Communication at the Core
By Sean Garrett
Mixing Board - October 31, 2024
Remember when the roll of running communications was simple? Twenty years ago, it was like cruising down a single-lane highway that stretched forever into the horizon. The path ahead was crystal clear: handle media relations, support executives, manage the occasional crisis. Today that lazy Sunday drive has turned into something that feels more like a Formula 1 race through a complex network of merging superhighways.
'Thoughtful communication can educate, inspire and connect people'
Influence (UK) - November 1, 2024
In this week’s CIPR member spotlight, successful Chartered PR practitioner Gemma Pettman explains how she supports multiple organisations as a freelancer and how to communicate your value.
PRovokeGlobal: "No Comment No Longer Exists"
By Cathy Cross
PRovoke Media - November 4, 2024
PR leaders from the Washington Post, Deloitte, Capital One, the American Egg Board and Ketchum discussed AI, brand trust and the future of communications.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.