Good Tuesday! Peruse your Daily PR Brief - December 3, 2024

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Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Why Press Releases Matter (Forbes - December 3, 2024)
Tips for turning a dud media event into a PR win (PR Daily - December 3, 2024)
Media Relations: Tips for Building Reporter Relationships in Changing Times (PRNEWS - December 2, 2024)
How to Benefit From a Journalist's Slow Season (PRsay - December 2, 2024)
Tuesday tips: using Ofcom and IPSO to prevent a PR crisis (PRmoment (UK) - December 2, 2024)
The PR edge: Turning email signatures into storytelling opportunities (Agility PR Solutions - December 3, 2024)
One Big AI Idea: Make AI your style editor (Ragan Communications - December 3, 2024)
A late contender for worst interview of the year? (Media First (UK) - December 2, 2024)
X brings on Dave Heinzinger to oversee communications (Axios - December 3, 2024)
Social Media News: The 5 Biggest Stories of the Week (Meltwater - December 2, 2024)
How One Entrepreneur Is Making PR Accessible for Small Businesses (Inc - December 2, 2024)
Summary Section:
Why Press Releases Matter
By Michele A. Schiavoni, VP Communications & Marketing, The Wistar Institute
Forbes - December 3, 2024
Is there still a role for press releases in the 24/7 social media world? There is a debate that has been simmering in the corporate communications world for some time now. As we continue to embrace a digital world where news can be distributed instantly and directly to your customers, consumers, stakeholders or supporters, what role, if any, does a press release play?
Tips for turning a dud media event into a PR win
By Casey Weldon
PR Daily - December 3, 2024
A media event can be a PR pro's best friend. In an ideal scenario, major news outlets gather in one place, your speaker has their talking points ready and a support network is on hand or in the audience. But this doesn't always happen.
Media Relations: Tips for Building Reporter Relationships in Changing Times
By Nicole Schuman
PRNEWS - December 2, 2024
Ahead of PRNEWS' Media Relations workshop, we spoke to presenter Michelle Ubben, President and Partner at Sachs Media Group and got a peek into her panel session, "The 411: Pitching Journalists, Relationship Building and What NOT to Do," which also will include Sahil Patel, Senior Reporter at The Information and Matthew Owens, Vice President, Fashion and Retail at SHADOW.
How to Benefit From a Journalist's Slow Season
By Jessica Wetzler
PRsay - December 2, 2024
Like clockwork, there comes a time when journalists find themselves looking at an empty barrel of story ideas hoping to find a glimmer of gold at the bottom. Sometimes these instances happen out of the blue, and sometimes it's a bit more predictable.
Tuesday tips: using Ofcom and IPSO to prevent a PR crisis
By Jonathan Coad
PRmoment (UK) - December 2, 2024
The best form of crisis PR is to prevent or curtail a PR crisis before it happens by influencing the editorial decision in your favour; prevention being vastly preferable to an attempted cure.
The PR edge: Turning email signatures into storytelling opportunities
By Amrapali Rai
Agility PR Solutions - December 3, 2024
For PR professionals wondering how to create an email signature that makes an impact, the answer lies in storytelling. While we obsess over press releases, media pitches, and social media campaigns, one powerful PR tool often sits quietly at the bottom of our emails, underutilized and overlooked. Your email signature isn't just contact information—it's prime real estate for brand narrative.
One Big AI Idea: Make AI your style editor
By Allison Carter
Ragan Communications - December 3, 2024
Someone insists on using the Oxford comma no matter how many times you tell them not to. Brad overuses hyphens like they're going out of style. And Janet, for some reason, insists on using British spellings. Getting an entire department – or company – to use a particular style consistently can be like herding cats.
A late contender for worst interview of the year?
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - December 2, 2024
There is nothing quite like seeing good and bad interviews in action. They are a great way of showing our media training delegates what works well and the things they need to avoid. It is one of the reasons our next complimentary webinar – on Thursday (5/12) – will look back at the best and worst interviews of the past 12 months and the lessons others can learn from them. And there could be a late entrant in the 'worst' category.
X brings on Dave Heinzinger to oversee communications
By Eleanor Hawkins
Axios - December 3, 2024
With the hire, CEO Linda Yaccarino is slowly rebuilding X's communications and marketing functions.
Social Media News: The 5 Biggest Stories of the Week
By Samantha Scott
Meltwater - December 2, 2024
We get it! You're busy scheduling content and engaging with your followers, so it can be difficult to make time to sit down and read about the latest Facebook algorithm update or how brands are leveraging TikTok. But, hey, it's also important to carve out time to learn about new ways to improve your social media strategy. So, put down your phone (we know: it's a big ask!) and indulge in reading about recent social media updates.
How One Entrepreneur Is Making PR Accessible for Small Businesses
By Ali Donaldson
Inc - December 2, 2024
Jenny Nguyen has reimagined publicity for independent designers and craftspeople. In the process, she built a community.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.