Happy Friday! Here's today's Daily PR Brief - February 18, 2022

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Trio of Incidents Make it a Cringeworthy Week for PR (PRNEWS - February 18, 2022)
Why Agencies Need To Move Away From Hourly Rates (Forbes - February 18, 2022)
6 tips for nailing the presentation of creative concepts (PR Daily - February 18, 2022)
Actions, Dialogue Speak Loudly in Spotify-Rogan Incident (PRNEWS - February 17, 2022)
Pioneer Bessie Coleman (1892-1926) (Institute for Public Relations - February 18, 2022)
Difference Between a Director of Communications or PR? (Spin Sucks - February 18, 2022)
Conveying PR's Value Requires a Different Form of Accounting (PRSay - February 18, 2022)
How PRs can fight fake news – a lawyer's perspective (PRmoment (UK) - February 17, 2022)
Fast food industry serves up decent brand intimacy—which brands lead? (Agility PR Solutions - February 17, 2022)
Time to ditch those statements (Influence (UK) - February 15, 2022)
I dove into the Metaverse on Super Bowl Sunday--here's what I learned (Communications Conversations - February 18, 2022)
Summary Section:
Trio of Incidents Make it a Cringeworthy Week for PR
PRNEWS - February 18, 2022
We praise PR for the good it does, so must we mention when members of the profession act badly. This week was one of those times.
Why Agencies Need To Move Away From Hourly Rates
By Blair Brady, CEO & Co-Founder WITH/agency
Forbes - February 18, 2022
The value we create — the thing the client is ultimately after — is derived from the thoughtware we develop, not the time spent developing that thoughtware.
6 tips for nailing the presentation of creative concepts
By Sean Williams
PR Daily - February 18, 2022
Creative work can be subjective—but these steps can help win over the skeptics when presenting your next big idea.
Actions, Dialogue Speak Loudly in Spotify-Rogan Incident
By Mike Emery
PRNEWS - February 17, 2022
Does the Joe Rogan-Spotify incident signify a turning point for crisis communication since both Rogan and Neil Young emerged victorious?
Pioneer Bessie Coleman (1892-1926)
Institute for Public Relations - February 18, 2022
IPR is featuring some of the many Black American pioneers and landmark events to celebrate Black History Month. Born in Atlanta, Texas on January 26, 1892, Bessie Coleman was the first African American and Native American female pilot.
Difference Between a Director of Communications or PR?
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - February 18, 2022
On this week's Spin Sucks AMA, Gini Dietrich describes a world where a director of communications and a director of PR are one and the same.
Conveying PR's Value Requires a Different Form of Accounting
By Peter Longini
PRSay - February 18, 2022
Public relations is not a profit center, and treating it as though it were misses the point. However, that isn't to say public relations doesn't have a dollar impact on the organization; it does.
How PRs can fight fake news – a lawyer's perspective
By Jonathan Coad
PRmoment (UK) - February 17, 2022
This article deals with fake news published by the commercial news media, which is by far the most dangerous from the perspective of a company or brand. It deals both with the relatively rare situation where the news piece is entirely errant, and also - which is more usual - where it is a mixture of truth and falsity.
Fast food industry serves up decent brand intimacy—which brands lead?
By Richard Carufel
Agility PR Solutions - February 17, 2022
During the COVID crisis, brands have relied more on developing emotional connections with consumers for success. The fast food industry maintained its sixth-place ranking in the second year of the pandemic, according to marketing intimacy agency MBLM's Brand Intimacy COVID Study, which analyzes brands based on emotional connections during the pandemic.
Time to ditch those statements
By Amanda Coleman
Influence (UK) - February 15, 2022
I was driving yesterday and listening to a news programme when I heard the usual 'XX declined to come on the programme but has provided the following statement…'. I have lost count of the times that I see the same position emerging particularly when there is a challenging subject under discussion or the organisation is being criticised.
I dove into the Metaverse on Super Bowl Sunday--here's what I learned
By Arik Hanson
Communications Conversations - February 18, 2022
Last week, I went skiing with a friend I haven’t seen in a while. We talked about all sorts of industry topics, but eventually the conversation drifted to the metaverse. My friend is pretty plugged into the metaverse and its potential. And, he had a bold prediction that, quite frankly, surprised me.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.