Hi! Tuesday's Daily PR Brief is here - October 3, 2023
Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
How to Turn Your Clients into Brand Ambassadors (PRNEWS - October 3, 2023)
Enhancing PR with AI: Moving beyond automation to explore the potential—and the limits (Agility PR Solutions - October 3, 2023)
The Thought Leadership Maturity Curve: Growing Your Brand Through Content (Forbes - October 3, 2023)
AI is a Powerful Business and Marketing Tool – Here's how to Utilize It (Los Angeles Times - September 29, 2023)
PR's Top Pros Talk: Ryan Lilly (O'Dwyer's - September 29, 2023) [VIDEO]
How to Foster Discovery and Innovation Through Data Among PR Teams (Institute for Public Relations - October 2, 2023)
Elevate Your Leadership With These 5 Essential Business Stories (Spin Sucks - October 3, 2023)
Post Affirmative Action: Navigating PR Education and Equity (PRsay - October 3, 2023)
Good and Bad PR: Synapse and Google are the tech heroes, but Apple doesn't look too hot (PRmoment (UK) - September 28, 2023)
PR Agencies and Law Firms: New Allies in Corporate Crises (PRGN - October 2, 2023)
Radio interview perfectly illustrates dangers of the word 'if' (Media First (UK) - October 3, 2023)
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Summary Section:
How to Turn Your Clients into Brand Ambassadors
By Carolyn Sakstrup
PRNEWS - October 3, 2023
Consumer trust can be fragile, but with deliberate, values-based strategies, you can turn everyday clients into passionate champions of your brand.
Enhancing PR with AI: Moving beyond automation to explore the potential—and the limits
By Stephen Marcinuk
Agility PR Solutions - October 3, 2023
I think a lot of people view my job as a bit of an oxymoron. I'm the founder and general manager of a public relations company powered by artificial intelligence. And if you believe the hype, generative AI is on track to replace organizations like mine wholesale.
The Thought Leadership Maturity Curve: Growing Your Brand Through Content
By Rekha Thomas, CEO & Founder at Path Forward Marketing
Forbes - October 3, 2023
Consistently producing high-caliber thought leadership content makes your brand a valuable source of information and guidance.
AI is a Powerful Business and Marketing Tool – Here's how to Utilize It
By Michael Cohen, Global Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Plus Company
Los Angeles Times - September 29, 2023
Currently, we see artificial intelligence used in a creative space to fabricate content in the form of words and images to the delight of users. But AI's prediction capabilities offer a paradigm shift to how we do business. When we decide to seize it. The decision is ours to make. And make no mistake – indecision is a decision.
PR's Top Pros Talk: Ryan Lilly [VIDEO]
By Steve Barnes
O'Dwyer's - September 29, 2023
"Balance is really the key when you're talking about modern health care, communications and marketing," MWW Health senior VP and managing director Ryan Lilly tells Doug Simon.
How to Foster Discovery and Innovation Through Data Among PR Teams
By Julie O'Neil
Institute for Public Relations - October 2, 2023
Fueled by advances in digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI), public relations is transforming into a data-driven practice. Communicators must curate, analyze, and draw insight from disparate streams of data to inform decisions relevant to organizations and society. This rapid evolution demands an equally quick adaptation from communicators, who have indicated they want more training and development in this increasingly complex space.
Elevate Your Leadership With These 5 Essential Business Stories
By Gini Dietrich, Founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich
Spin Sucks - October 3, 2023
Explore five key types of business stories that build trust, inspire action, and drive success— and discover the transformative power of storytelling.
Post Affirmative Action: Navigating PR Education and Equity
PRsay - October 3, 2023
The latest in PRSA’s “Diverse Dialogues” series explored how communicators and PR educators should proceed in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision on June 29 that effectively ended race-conscious admission programs at colleges and universities across the country.
Good and Bad PR: Synapse and Google are the tech heroes, but Apple doesn't look too hot
By Andy Barr, Owner, 10 Yetis Digital
PRmoment (UK) - September 28, 2023
Here we are again and what a week it has been. We have had our own, typical, dramas over in PR land, and then the usual media glitter on top.
PR Agencies and Law Firms: New Allies in Corporate Crises
By Valentina Giacaman, Founding Partne, RumboCierto Comunicaciones
PRGN - October 2, 2023
PR Agencies and Law Firms are allies when handling corporate crisis. Read this blog post for more on synergies between these advisors.
Radio interview perfectly illustrates dangers of the word 'if'
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - October 3, 2023
Radio can grab attention like nothing else. When a spokesperson delivers a compelling interview, people quickly switch from hearers to listeners. But the same is also true of spokespeople who deliver poor interviews. And there was an interview on LBC last week that grabbed our attention for all the wrong reasons.
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.