Good Tuesday! Your Daily PR Brief has arrived - May 7, 2024

This Daily PR Brief is sponsored by Media List Pro.
The analysts at Media List Pro work with PR consultants and agencies to provide targeted contacts from the most relevant outlets. Each list begins with a deep dive into your client's industry, competitors, and recent news coverage to identify the journalists that will be most likely to cover your story.
DPB readers get their first list of 10 contacts for $20.

Read some of today's best PR and Comms industry news clips:
Critical crisis lessons from the recent NBA and MLB scandals (PR Daily - May 7, 2024)
Technology Trends Transforming Marcomms (O'Dwyer's - May 7, 2024)
'Retail-level outreach': Media relations lessons from C-SPAN (PR Daily - May 6, 2024)
CMOs Are Under Pressure Again: Tips For Navigating Through Turbulent Times (Forbes - May 7, 2024)
Customizing AI GPTs to Optimize PR Business Processes (PRNEWS - May 6, 2024)
Discussing Generational Differences in the Modern Workplace at Disrupt HR (5W Public Relations - May 7, 2024)
Why digital accessibility should be part of every PR professional's strategy (Agility PR Solutions - May 7, 2024)
Using AI To Write Your Presentation: The Pros And Cons (Forbes - May 7, 2024)
Top PR Tips for Content Creator Success (Mention - May 6, 2024)
AI's Impact On PR: "We're Not Doomed Immediately" (PRovoke Media - May 6, 2024)
What does the silence in PR software speak? (Sword and the Script Media - May 7, 2024)
Still black and white - but are newspapers read all over in 2024? (Media First (UK) - May 7, 2024)
Summary Section:
Critical crisis lessons from the recent NBA and MLB scandals
By Edward Moed, CEO at Hot Paper Lantern
PR Daily - May 7, 2024
Two seismic scandals recently rocked the global sports landscape, shaking the MLB and NBA fandoms and sparking a frenzy of concerns and speculation across the media. Amid the chaos, these incidents shined a bright light on questions around handling extreme crisis communications and navigating ethical dilemmas in the face of uncertainty.
Technology Trends Transforming Marcomms
By Cortney Stapleton and Sally Slater
O'Dwyer's - May 7, 2024
Technology is rapidly transforming the way we support clients. The rise of generative AI, powerful tools for advanced measurement and attribution and the newfound prominence of social media platforms like TikTok have pushed companies to rethink and refactor their marketing and communications strategies. Understanding these trends can help CCOs and CMOs stay ahead of the game.
'Retail-level outreach': Media relations lessons from C-SPAN
By Allison Carter
PR Daily - May 6, 2024
C-SPAN director of communications Howard Mortman occupies a unique role in the world of media relations. He works for a cable network that broadcasts political happenings. He targets journalists from other outlets who seemingly do the same things. But to Mortman, they aren't competitors at all.
CMOs Are Under Pressure Again: Tips For Navigating Through Turbulent Times
By Karl Van den Bergh, CMO of Gigamon
Forbes - May 7, 2024
It’s more critical than ever for marketing leaders to show true return on investment when budgets are tight and the market is in turmoil.
Customizing AI GPTs to Optimize PR Business Processes
By Scott Bartnick
PRNEWS - May 6, 2024
AI-driven applications have quickly become a must-have tool in the PR world. Whether it is using ChatGPT to compose content, Zoom AI Companion to take meeting notes, or Shortwave to stay on top of your daily deluge of email messages, artificial intelligence provides the power needed to unlock new levels of business efficiency.
Discussing Generational Differences in the Modern Workplace at Disrupt HR
By Kelcey Connors
5W Public Relations - May 7, 2024
Addressing stereotypes associated with each generation, we emphasized the importance of recognizing individual differences while acknowledging prevalent workplace tendencies. From the Traditionalists’ conventional approach to Gen Z’s tech-savvy nature, understanding these traits lays the groundwork for effective collaboration.
Why digital accessibility should be part of every PR professional's strategy
By Matisse Hamel-Nelis
Agility PR Solutions - May 7, 2024
As a PR professional today, digital accessibility is not just a technical requirement; it's a strategic asset that can significantly enhance your toolkit. By ensuring your digital content is accessible, you not only comply with various legal standards but also open your brand to a broader audience, enriching user engagement and ultimately positively impacting your bottom line.
Using AI To Write Your Presentation: The Pros And Cons
By Nina Surya, President of UniqueSpeak Consulting
Forbes - May 7, 2024
Is it okay to use artificial intelligence to write a speech or presentation? Here are the pros and cons.
Top PR Tips for Content Creator Success
By Leilah Elmokadem
Mention - May 6, 2024
Succeeding in the creator economy takes more than just creating good content. It ensures your voice is heard and resonates with the right people in this crowded digital landscape. This is where Public Relations can drive impact for content creators who want to stand out in the competitive digital world.
AI's Impact On PR: "We're Not Doomed Immediately"
By Diana Marszalek
PRovoke Media - May 6, 2024
Communicators with a range of backgrounds discussed the risk and opportunity of AI — particularly around disinformation, risk management and IP — at a special event hosted by Spool with PRovoke Media in Chicago.
What does the silence in PR software speak?
By Frank Strong
Sword and the Script Media - May 7, 2024
It's been pretty quiet this month, which is starting to look like it's going to be characteristic of the year. It's a far cry from the volume of announcements this time last year where every vendor was racing to announce a generative artificial intelligence feature. What is the silence telling us, exactly?
Still black and white - but are newspapers read all over in 2024?
By Adam Fisher
Media First (UK) - May 7, 2024
Print interviews continue to be a crucial component of our media training courses. But do people still read newspapers? When was the last time you bought a paper? Has print become a niche medium serving a rapidly shrinking audience?
The Daily PR Brief is put together by the analysts at ITK Information Services.
If you're interested in setting up a customized report for your company or need any help with monitoring or media research feel free to reach out.
All reports made with the help of Report Mule.